Remember Charlie Brown shorts/toons with the teacher/adults/etc talking. You know what I'm talking about. I was talking computereze to my girlfriend the other day and she looked at me with her heavily glazed eyes and started saying "wah wah wah wah wahwah." She was right.
Marc and I are chatting about the day, what is on the schedule, I am soaping up my hair as I sort of listen....... okay maybe I wasn't really listening. I found myself trying to listen to Marc about his training and how the progress is going and all I could hear was, well, I don't remember. He might as well have been speaking in "charlie brown adulteze" for all that registered. I felt my eyes glazing, getting heavy and my head dropping as I began to doze(dangerous as by now I am trying to shave my legs). Just as I started to nod I caught myself and snapped my head up in time to catch "...8 minutes..." and "...run". Well, I know he has been trying to get his time down so I quickly did the math and congratulated him on improving his run time. Whew!!! Right answer!! He was indeed telling me about his run times and where he wanted to see them before.....crap. I lost him again. I don't even know which freakin' race he is trying to get his times in by. Is it the 101, is it St Anthony, is it Alcatraz....????I swear to all the powers that be I am genuinely interested in Marc's training, his times, his progress and all of the crap- I mean stuff- that comes with Tri'ing. Swear.
Today was tough though. Really tough. Do you ever ask someone a question in which you genuinely want to hear the reply but then 2 seconds into the reply you find yourself wishing you had just shut up and washed your hair with out conversation? Do I think this is because Marc is a sufficiently boring person? No, it's because my brain is too full of all the
crap I am having to deal with and how my day's schedule is going to pan out and whether or not I actually need to shave my legs today or can I get away with wearing jeans? Or, option 2, I am just a selfish bitch with absolutely no regard for anyone but me. Well, yes option 2 sounds correct. So what? I am entitled to be so every once in a while aren't I? Bitch, yep I think that was the reason for my auditory black out this morning. Wait- that makes me think of a possible option 3- maybe my cochlea-audit
ory cortex is giving out in my old age. Maybe it's PMS(viable option 4). Doesn't change the fact that I still feel like being selfish. In fact, it almost intensifies the bitchy thing. Thought; maybe I should stop shaving and refuse to shave in the future until Bigun gets back on board with his shaving....wah wah wah wah wah
I'm sorry, what did you say?
I mean, yeah....uh huh....right....
I just wanted to let you know that i love your blogs, the last one was so funny i couldn't stop laughing, keep them coming, i enjoy them. Catherine
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