1. 14 years of marriage, I still find my hubby interesting and sexy
2. I love my babies. That would be the 4 legged kind.
3. I am a steadfast friend. Loyalty is a defining character trait. If I ever get that call in the middle of the night and a friend needs help with an urgent burial, I'll get there as soon as possible and I'll even bring my own shovel. :)
4. People are interesting. Mostly. Usually. Unless they're really weird. Then they're just a twisted curiosity. A twisted curiosity that I find it difficult to pull myself away from - in a really twisted kind of way.
5. I need my convertible. Really, I do.
6. Shoes are very important. Repeat after me, shoes are very important, they can make or break your outfit.
7. I border on being a control freak. Just ask my sister, my business partner, my husband...the dishwasher- it must be loaded a specific way.
8. Meeting new people is a wonderful adventure
9. I have a voracious appetite for reading novels.
10. I love the color RED. Love it.
11. Everyday holds a surprise. I find that I am always surprised by that fact. Good or bad.
12. God willing, I'll make a difference in some one's life that will help them find/create a better life for themselves.
13. Being Spontaneous is wicked fun it's just not always convenient. fun...convenient...fun... convenient....
14. If you want a fast car you have to drive it fast. No exceptions. Drive it like you stole it.
15. Wherever you go, there you are.
16. I lived in Ethiopia when I was little. I have heard lions roaring in the wild. When I was little I thought it was left over from a dream. Then my mother told about how the lions could be heard roaring.That was when I knew it wasn't a dream.
17. I was a Photojournalist- I LOVED that job. I LOVED the stories. I LOVED the history of lives I witnessed and documented. I LOVED my colleagues. What a great crew of people. I still miss them.
18. My sisters and my brother are good people. My brother is my favorite brother. (how's that Dewain?)
19. My nieces and nephews mean the world to me. My greatest goal in life is to be the FAVORITE AUNT
20. I still get misty when I remember the first time I felt Lauren, Alex and Madison kicking. Lauren will be graduating high school in a year.
21. Truly Great friends are rare, I am fortunate to have more than one.
22. I still don't know how I was lucky enough to meet and then marry such a good man.
23. I have lived many lives in my 41 years and all of them are mine.
24. I have no regrets. Everything I have done and everyone I have known had their part in helping me to become who I am today. The good and the not so good. It's all good.
25. I have added new people to my family with Uncle Mel, Aunt LaVerne, Anne, Chris, their kids and Kim and Joe. They make me feel like I am coming home every time I see them. I thank Bigun for that too.
26. Greek and Roman mythology still fascinates me.
27. I believe in reincarnation.
28. "You are always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past" Richard Bach
29. I plan to keep changing. Hold on. - I'll probably still always be a bit of a control freak, but I'm working on that one.
30. Rollercoasters are the BOMB. Did you hear that Sheikra is going to be bottomless?!?!?!? OMG OMG. I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!! June 16 2007
31. Bloody Marys....yummmmmmmmm double yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm
32. I worked as an A.A. for a top Law Firm in Boston, they repped New Kids on the Block....lol blast from the past ah?
33. I owned a lapis blue honda del sol. Great car.
34. I still remember the very first black and white photograph I ever printed. It was a photo of a car wreck and the car was flipped over and wrapped in telephone lines. Scott shot the accident, I developed the prints. Morbid, I know, but I remember.
35. persnickety is a funny word. rereading it cracks me up
36. Mr Bill from SNL was freakin hilarious.
37. I lived in Pruem, Germany I attended High School in Bitburg.
38. My friends were Tammy Stohr, Belinda Beltran and Toni Grogg
39.I graduated from Pine Forest Senior High in NC.
40. I try to keep in mind that there are never REALLY any problems, just different solutions.
41. It is what it is. If you don't like it, fix it or get over it.
42. Water calms me.
43. I love a good book while in a hot bath.
44. Strawberries dipped in chocolate truly are everything they are cracked up to be. umm umm
45. Halloween- oooooo. the best!
46. I admire originality.
47. John Parker was the first boy to ever give me perfume as a gift. It was Wind Song. I really liked it. I was 14.
48. Country music, real country music, ie: Johnny Cash, Conway Twitty, Loretta, Patsy, Willie, Garth, etc. is the schisznit.
49. Driving down a country road on a sunny day with the top down is heaven on earth. I really do need my convertible...
50. Having my cat curled up on my lap is a nice way to end the day. He so rarely curls up
51. Fear is a poor excuse for not doing the work.
52. "Those who are not delighted by learning, those who cannot be enticed into new ideas or experiences, cannot develop past the roadpost they rest at now."- ClarissaPinkola Estes
53. I love wigs.
54. Bigun always lets me warm my feet on him when we get into bed at night. I love that about him.
55. My old '77 Celica- The Beast- what a great car she was.
56. I wanted to be able to list my favorite classic novel. I can't. There are too many wonderful ones out there.
57. Obscure movies are interesting
58. If you look for the best in people, most often you will find it.
59. If you search and search for the best in someone and you never find it, RUN. Run as fast as you can in the opposite direction from where you found them. Run like the Devil is on your tail and gaining ground. 'Cause most likely, that isn't far from the truth. Run Forest Run
60. On occasion, I pay the toll for the car behind me. If they had a bad day, maybe it'll get better. If they had a great day, maybe they'll pass it on. Maybe some day someone will pay it for me.
61. My favorite blanket is the one my dad sent to me from Korea for Christmas when I was 6. I still use it every night. It's my woobie
62. 13 years of marriage, I still get butterflies when I am at work and my mind wanders to Bigun.
63. I am a lousy downhill skier. Cross country skiing is fabulous.
64. My Chi straight iron was worth every penny.
65. I see people as colors- what color do you think you are?
66. My tattoo. Yes, I still want it.
67. My two favorite T-Shirts are my "Doors" and "Beatles" T's.
68. Stained glass is beautiful
69. cooking with fresh herbs from my garden is a great way for me to unwind
70. I miss Rock Climbing- Florida is pretty flat. I met Bigun when we were climbing. Well, actually I met him at a bar with his girlfriend, but it was for only a few seconds. Then I met him rock climbing. That was for life.
71. an old friend of mine taught me how to play chess. I never play anymore. I don't know why, I never play any more. I really like chess.
72. Pomegranate juice is one of the world's greatest inventions
73. whenever I receive a Thank you note from someone, my heart grows a little bit more.
74. I'm not sure which I like more, choosing the gift or wrapping the gift. Presentation is everything.
75. I cannot pass up a sale for wired ribbon. I'm weak in that way. see #74
76. I used to be a vegetarian.
77. I am a coffee snob. I like it flavored and creamy
78. I look forward to spending one on one time with my Husband. weirdo, I know.
79. I dream about alligators often. still a weirdo, for real.
80. I am a Ramen junkie. What an awesome food. 1001 ways to eat ramen, I know 2002 ways.
81. Dream Weaver.(Gary Wright) My most favorite song of all time, in case you wondered.
82. Dolly Parton- Love her!
83. I used to smoke. I liked smoking. A lot. Now, it nauseates me. humm.
84. Those alligators I mentioned, I am always walking across the back of one onto another. I win. ?? isn't that weird? Those dreams started before I ever imagined I would be living in Florida, the Motherland of Alligators
85. "41 Stories" by O'Henry - "The Last Leaf" a must read.
86. Chip Norman - my first kiss
87. My favorite cookies are Milanos- Raspberry. exquisitely sinful.
88. I could live on sushi, ramen and milanos. Seriously. Seriously- I could.
89. ask me about any movie.
90. I wish I were better organized- that infamous road to hell...it's paved with all the files and papers I misplace daily while looking for other lost papers and files. They're never really lost, they just end up in unusual places. It's bizarre.
91. When a person is important to me I try to make sure I tell them. It's a sad state when you can't tell the people who mean the most to you just how much they mean to you in your life.
92. I really really really LOVE to dance
93. I was 24 when I had my first "shot" of tequila that wasn't mixed with soda or some sort of beverage. Tequila. I was with my girlfriend Jeanine Ivey. I was hooked.
94. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina was always certain to be a good time. Over the years, we had many parties there.
95. I am a very emotional person. I cry when there is a sad movie on, I cry when I am really really really happy, I laugh out loud when a great song comes on the radio. I am really tough to be around when I'm PMS'ing. All those emotions have no where to go... WTF
96. I know the secret to eating Capn' Crunch...
97. Bologna sandwiches, yummm with Miracle whip and american cheese. How's that for a healthy and nutritious snack? lol
(list started in 02/07)
... I'll keep you posted
I enjoyed it, especially #14. Go figure!
Excellent insight, nice to read and thanks! cheryl
You were in a very peaceful, thankful part of your mind. I think the reflections were beautiful, genuine and you.
Very nice, I enjoyed reading your profile, you are too fun!. I hope all is well for you. Take care,
You don't suck on the captain crunch do you?
Great list. I identify with many.
I am a dishwasher nazi too - it must be loaded correctly or I will redo it for you..... I mean honestly how hard is it to distribute silverware evenly and pack it so that everything fits and gets clean - SHEESH!
I am also a grocery cart cop. Things must be placed stacked correctly for maximum fit and organzied by category (frozen, canned, fresh, etc) so that it can be loaded onto the belt in the correct order and therefore packed in the bags by type ....... It just makes you want to shop with me doesn't it?? :-)
Great list, I'll just comment about one of them, though I could certainly about many.
My chi straighting iron is one of the best things I never had to pay for :)
(thanks mom the hairdresser/salon owner)
Man, I played along even through the my dishwasher thing. then I hit #53 I love wigs and thought... hmmm top 5,10,15 I'm on 53 and I have done all I need to do.
Btw shoes are important if your running! Red ones are cool.
And then I kept reading b/c I luv u.
You only have to ski or fall to the lodge, they will give you a boody mary, they don't care how you got there as long as you tip.
Like to be blue but I'm sure I'm a red.
#96 whats the secret?
#97 people won't believe this but I eat that on long bike rides sans mayo. no shiting.
Shoes, chi straightner, chocolate dipped strawberries. I love it!!
Di, this was great fun.
I saved reading it till it got rainy and nasty outside and The Boarder decided he could sleep upstairs by himself, he didn't need to be near me all the time.
We have SO much in common! Can't wait to meet you :-)
Oh - and you have to see THESE shoes. I was at a Macy's sale... fell in love. And they didn't have them in my size. I found them online.. just have to justify them now.. so I can buy :-)
I wish everyone would do this. I love it.
Unfortunately, not everyone could express themselves as eloquently and honestly as you, my dear.
That is #98.
You frickin' rock!
Complete pleasure reading through this and learning more about you!
I think this one "
22. I still don't know how I was lucky enough to meet and then marry such a good man." was my favorite... although I was happy to learn we both have similar tastes in country music.
This post made me heart you even more!
This is great. I will have to try and remember this for my #100!
You and my wife would get along. I still don't understand the importance of loading the dishwasher the "right" way. However, after many months of doing it "wrong" I quit doing it. I am back to loading the dishwasher--MY way. I guess it wasn't so wrong. :)
Women and those damn shoes!!! I do have to agree with Blink. Running shoes are important. :)
Very interesting list. Your hubby is a lucky man. :-)
congrats on your 100th.
and, wishing you 100 more!
When I first met you, I found this list on my own while routing through your archives. I'm pretty sure I was going wild with all the similarities but numbers 14, 28, and 81 really blew me away. And it wasn't so much the quote by Bach but that you READ his books, too!
You had me at
We have a lot in common - a lot! We'll have to compare notes in CDA
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