I needed to enjoy a little beauty today...
Can anyone tell the name of this flower? Hint: it is an orchid..... ;)
The photo you see here is the same orchid as above. The difference is the time of day they were photographed. The first two photos were taken in early morning (appx 7am)light. This one was taken in early evening(appx 5:30pm) light. Same camera, same aperture setting etc. Light can do amazing things.
The yard is blooming everywhere right now. These bleeding hearts are on the last of their cycle and they have changed colors from where they started.... when they first bloom they are pure white with red centers that burst out from the white blossom.
After they have lived their life they morph into this pale lilac pinkish color
And the centers change from bright red to this...
The Hibiscus didn't want to be left out either. The wind was blowing pretty well so it was hard to get a sharp focus on these...
These particular Hibiscus are a Double Blossom Red Variegated variety
EDITed Aug 2: I will accept the TYPE of orchid it is, you don't have to come up with the actual name. ;)
Edited again on August 3rd....
While I was out there re shooting the purple orchids I also photographed these....
I hope you enjoyed my interlude in the garden. I also wish to say Thank You so much for all of your support and encouragement. It really does mean a lot to me. Thank you.
BTW- The purple Orchid is a Dendrobium Mahlihini
My guess is .... some kind of orchid.
Seriously, I would call this "pretty purple flowers" if they were in my yard.
Lovely pictures, as usual.
LOL J Wim, you are close!!!
I know nothing about flowers. Birds, trees, mussles, fuzzy critters, slimey critters, scaly critters, fish, and rocks no problem
I can smell the sweet aroma from here. AAAHHHHH....Now time to run.
Purple Phaleanopsis
Final answer ...... not becuase I am sure, just becuase I have no other idea.
I have way too much time on my hands today.
and because I can't spell BECAUSE. I need an anti-dyslexia keyboard.
They are lovely. But I'm so not an orchid person! Except for the Cypripediums. So no guesses.
You know what I always say - an orchid is an orchid by any other name!
My answer ties with J.Wim's. They are the "Pretty Purple Orchids." Where's my prize? Sorry. Our prize.
I guess if you ignore the double chocolate portion of the title, zucchini cake is healthy :) And oh, so good!
OOOO prizes?? I missed the part about prizes......
a prize?!?!? LOL - okay, an icecream cone in chicago! lol
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