When does good sense stop being good sense and become wishful thinking? How do you decide when to ignore your intuition and move forward with what seems to be the facts? BTW, the facts contradict your gut feeling. Are you really as savvy with the ways of the world as you thought - or are you just wishing on a pipe dream? The world around you and everyone in it, are telling you the very opposite of what you believe. What you believe, with every fiber of your being. So there you are. Back where you started. Your gut feeling, fact or fiction? Are my rose colored glasses getting in the way of the stark non -technicolour of real life?
Who knew this was me?
These are indeed difficult questions, and I think there are times we all wish we had those answers.
Then there are those that didn't listen to the others and the facts, and achieved great things.
Or so I'm told!
Thats what I like about your posts Di, I get my triathlon fillup from other sites, but yours makes me think. :-) After 3 read throughs still trying to decide my thoughts. Guess I am also partly an INTP.
I'm ENTJ - we'll get along just fine although I might talk too much!
Introverted? My ass!
You mean the extrovertedness I know and love is an alterego????
I'm an ENFJ. And yes, I think you're quite savvy to the ways of the world.
Must be interesting to make INTP mesh with your line of work.
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