You've Got Mail, some of you will remember when checking your email meant you heard a happy sounding voice announcing to you that you had email waiting to be read. It used to make me feel happy. I couldn't wait to open up my email. It was akin to opening presents from under the tree on Christmas morning.
What? Don't judge me, it did feel that way!
So! I am taking back my email!!!! My mission is to begin sending out a few emails a week and make it through my contact list to say, "Hello, I miss you, what's up?" It may take more time than reading everyone's 'at-a-glance' FB posts but I don't care. Friendships have always been very personal for me, not superficial or temporary.
I still have my FB active but I have come to dread the long lists of memes on my home page, although most are funny and often make me chuckle, I miss the personal connection with people. If you want to stay in touch, personal message me on FB with your email address or phone number (PM's from FB go to my email.... haha, so now I know I'm getting an email I care to open), or leave a comment on my blog and I will make it a point to stay in touch with you. I know, email is still electronic but I personally, feel more connected and I am looking forward to being excited again about that phrase "You've Got Mail".
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