1) People who butcher the English language drive me nuts.
2) I was once a photojournalist and it is still the best job I ever had- I still love photography but only if it's at my leisure
3) I cherish my friends
4) If I say, "I love you." I mean it.
5) I LOVE LOVE LOVE my ink.
6) Roller coasters are AWESOME
7) Ramen - I can prepare it a hundred different ways. My favorite is simple, with nothing added except the flavour packet. Yummmmm
8) I'm allergic to apples - WTF?!?
9) I enjoy laughing....a LOT
10) I trust everyone, until they prove they cannot be trusted. Then, even if I like the person, I probably don't trust them
11) I have lived in Ethiopia & Germany
12) Fast cars get my heart going. Think of Homer and how he feels about beer, that is how I feel about fast cars.
13) I have lived in 8 of the continental United States.
14) Raspberry is my favorite fruit flavor... or is it Mango, I can never make up my mind
15) I don't believe in regret. I think regrets are a waste of time and energy. Life's experiences have helped to make me who I am, the good and the not so good. How can I regret that?
16) Red is my favorite colour. It isn't the only colour I like but it is the one I always return to.
17) If you fuck with someone I love, I will make your life miserable. I will make you wish you had never met me. Seriously.
18) Pretty sure I have A.D.D. It takes me 45 minutes to unload the dishwasher because when I start putting dishes away, I find other things that need doing as well.........
19) I have had a multitude of careers in my lifetime and enjoyed them all, I still don't know what I want to be but isn't life supposed to be full of adventure?
20) I have a recurring dream about alligators. I've had this dream since I was a little girl and the dreams change
a little from dream to dream but the alligators are there, and I'm usually naked. I look hot in my dream though so it's all good.
I see the meme with the red headed girl on an alligator with the caption.....ponies are for pussies. I love you my redheaded music vixen!
I need that meme Misha! LOL
I love the image next to #17 - very appropriate! And I second that sentiment. I am fiercely loyal and protective of the people I love.
Indeed!! As it should be my friend, as it should be. xo
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