Sunday, November 4, 2007

IMFL - We are Here...

Can't wait to tell everyone what a great weekend it has been!!! Our friends - ROCKED the course!!
We'll share more later, right now, there are some Bloody Marys and Captain Morgan waiting anxiously for consumption...

Stay Tuned!!


Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" said...

can't wait for the recap & pictures!!!

S. Baboo said...

Bet you had a great time! I have some friends who tried to register for next year and were online and had their forms completed right at noon EST but they got shut out. The new registration systen blows!

Anonymous said...

I wish that I would have talked with ya'll this weekend at IMFL. I laid pretty low leading up to the race and drove back to NC on Sunday morning. I hope your trip was fun!

Richard Armstrong

Michele said...

It was so great to meet y'all this weekend and look forward to seeing you again next year.