Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sand Key Tri Sprint - Sunday September 23

After much consideration, I decided NOT to wear these to the Tri. I figured I didn't want any distractions for the athletes out in the water. A kayak just isn't suited for Dorothy Shoes.

That doesn't mean I don't understand the importance of a good Jelly Donut before working a Tri...afterall, if Blink and Bigun know how important they are...

This is me and Green Eyed Lady (after the race). We volunteered for Kayak support together. It really was a good time. GEL helped out a guy on his first open water swim. He had a little anxiety attack in the water. She followed him on the whole swim til he got out of the water. He finished the race.

Here we are with the rest of the crew of kayak support... except for Diane - she's taking the picture.

Green Eyed lady out on the water. The sun still wasn't up so some of the shots are a little dark.

While still on shore, we had a lady come up to ask us some questions. Her first swim in the Gulf. She was afraid of sharks. Turns out, the only shark we saw that day was Bigun.

That's me, ignoring all of the athletes for a photo op moment. I know, blurry - I need to fire my

Sherpa......well, it was his first time, maybe I'll forgive him. ;)

That is ExcelMan swimming briskly in the water.

That shoulder with the yellow jersey is ExcelMan again. The fellow on the board - lifeguard.

Sherpa got a pretty good shot here, but this is my blog. You would think he could have atleast gotten a good shot of me. If I weren't a "G" rated girl, I would have a choice name or two for my Sherpa Boy

ExcelMan pushing hard on the bike

Coming into transition

This guy's feet never touch the ground!!!

Okay, I know some people are vertically challenged. Quite a few of my friends are what we may call... well, short. So, I don't want to offend any one, but if this shot doesn't crack you up...

maybe this one will.

crossing the finish line- 2nd place in his group is ExcelMan

Here is the studly muffin birthday boy displaying his hard earned prize (sunday was his birthday) woohoo!! Go Libras!!!

This should explain why we call him ExcelMan.

yes, this was written on his forearm for the race. He copied it from an excel spread sheet he put together for his race. Swear.

Sherpa Boy - aka Bigun
It was a good day.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

My Dorothy Shoes

This is Lisa (you've seen pics of her daughter, Alex on the trampoline and plunging into the pool)

She bought me these for my birthday...

The box actually sizzled when I opened it. My toe polish just happens to match the shoes. I had the pedicure on Monday - without knowledge of the shoes, swear. Is that Karma or what?

The only problem was that I didn't have anything to wear with the shoes. So, I found this dress at Dillard's.

I figured since I had the shoes and the dress, I needed some place to wear them. So, here I am last night at the Pub with Laurie, Dawn and Kelly, our bringer of beverages at the pub.

I was going to show you my new red purse too, but TriDogMom posted hers the other day and frankly, my purse isn't even close to as hot as hers.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new shoes!! Wonder if I can wear them while kayaking tomorrow...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

This Past Week

Out of Doors

I thought Betty Lou's optics resembled the two below

I had to go out
and "capture"
these two Pavarotti wanna be's

Bigun took this shot of the pair of musical prodigies

I had to get "my take" on them too

Here is the "calm before the storm" That big cloud on the left of the frame was the size of Earth and really black.

In the rain

This Family of cranes (juvenile on far right) kept their distance - Male kept an eye on me.

I love this shot of the cranes because when it is in full frame - it looks like an oil painting. The focus was just out of sharp. Cool effect.

The other side of the door...Anastasia

Ying and Yang


and The Beast

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sand Key Sprint Tri

Before I begin please let me say - Congratulations to all who raced at IM Louisville and IMWisconsin!! We are all so proud of all of you!!
This is where I will be in 2 weekends. Sand Key. Isn't that a beautiful view? Maybe you should join me...

Instead of finding me here on the sidelines taking pictures...

You'll have to look out here to find me.

That's right. I'll be volunteering on September 23 at the Sand Key Tri. ExcelMan is racing and I'll be part of the support crew along with my friend,( ExcelMan's wife) Green Eyed Lady.We'll be in kayaks beating athletes over the head if they try to hold on to our rigs for support! How fun is that? Okay, just kidding about the beating over the head part(I would never...). I am really looking forward to it. This will be the first race I get up at 0'dark thirty for that Bigun isn't competing in. Bigun will be the Sherpa for this race! I am so psyched about being out there giving support to the athletes in a different style. Bigun will need to man the cowbells that morning.

Before you leave ---click HERE

Friday, September 7, 2007

8 Random Things / Are You Karmically Aware? and Miss Lexie's Pineapple Casserole

8 Random Things about me - evidently Miss AndraSue tagged me. She tagged me when I was in the middle of our little Internet black hole. But I am back and so that my dear AndraSue knows I wasn't ignoring her, I am now picking up the tag.
1- Not a big "sweets" fan - but, when I decide I want something sweet I do it up right. For example, no regular Oreo will do - it MUST be double stuff.
2- I love kids - they keep it simple.
3- I am allergic to strange things, like Benadryl. Yes. The med everyone else takes to counter an allergic reaction, sends me into hives and asthma attack weird huh?
4- I really really really like candy dots (the kind that are stuck to the strip of paper). Can eat them all day and never get sick of them.
5- I love to wear hats- I have a closet full of them. I dream of the day I can go to the Kentucky Derby, it means i get to go all out on a new hat.
6- I like to float in the pool. I can float and sleep for endless hours on the pool
7- Dragonflies are my Talisman and have been since I was a little girl.
8- Martinis rock. So do Mojitos. So do Mango Margaritas. So do Lemon Drops. So do Bloody Marys...
While on the random note, here is something else I would like to share. Are you Karmically Aware?

I was going through my email and I noticed that Astrology.com had sent me an email informing me that "Pluto Turns Direct: Time for Renewal". So, I thought to myself, lets see what exactly it means to me now that Pluto has turned direct. I opened the email, because I am of the curious sort. Besides, anything having to do with me and what it means to me, well, I have to be on the KNOW. In addition, what needs to be renewed? After all, the subject line said it is Time.

There I am, waiting for the email to fully open and I begin to read... while reading I notice how many times Astrology.com has made it available for me to click on a word to redirect me to where they NEED me to be. Well, if they need me there, shouldn't I go? I went - after reading just what it really meant - to me- that Pluto has turned Direct. ?!?!?! huh? Still scratching my head on that one.
Keep in mind now folks, this must be a REALLY important thing for them to have sent me an email about it, don't you agree? After all, if they didn't inform me, who would? My mind begins to think this...if it's so important for me, isn't it important for everyone? Shouldn't everyone be told about this incredible event in the heavens? That brings us here. To this spot.

I have included the email they sent to me (all links in place) and the beautiful picture that goes along with it...suggesting that I will be "Light as air when I'm Karmically Aware" well, shouldn't we all be? Maybe I'll start floating like the girl in the picture. That would be grand. By the by - is "karmically" even a word?

Meanwhile, enjoy this little trip fantastic into the heavens, courtesy of Astrology.com

Dear Diana,
Pluto turned retrograde last March and finally goes direct this September 7. Throughout the retrograde period you've likely found yourself letting go of beliefs that don't optimally serve you; now, you have the chance to put your revised approach to life into practice, as the 'great renewer' ushers in a phase of great enlightenment! It's the perfect time to brush off negative past life influences with a
free sample Karma Reading. Your portrait is a customized glimpse at your inner traits and tendencies, and how to optimize them for a stronger, lovelier you. It's a metamorphosis you don't want to miss out on! Try your free sample first, then upgrade to the full-length version of your reading at 25% off!

P.S. Discover the meaning of your name and explore your numeric nature with a free sample numerology reading!
Pass it on! Forward this offer to a friend.
Your personal information is safe and secure on Astrology.com.

So, did you enjoy the little trip? Did you go? I must tell you all, they didn't just randomly send me this email, I am on their email list. I had a "free" Tarot reading once, ever since... I get the emails. They are fun to visit. Just don't take them seriously.

This is for Don (from Canada) and all of my other Bloggy friends who enjoy good food (Boomer) ;). Bigun's Mom served this with Ribs from the Barbie and Chicken as well. Umm Umm good!!

Miss Lexie’s Pineapple Casserole

1 20 oz can pineapple chunks or tidbits
½ cup sugar
3 tbs flour
1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, grated
½ cup butter (1 stick) ( I always use Smart Balance when I cook in lieu of butter)
½ cup crushed Ritz crackers

Preheat oven to 350
Drain pineapple, reserving 3 tbs of the juice.
Mix reserved juice with sugar and flour, then add pineapple and cheese and place in greased (pam works) casserole dish
Melt butter and stir into cracker drumbs. Sprinkle on top of mixture in casserole dish.
Bake for 20 – 30 minutes

This makes an 8 x 8 casserole dish. You can make it ahead of time and bake later.

Smart Balance® Light Buttery Spread:
Lactose Free.
No Hydrogenated Oil.
No Trans Fatty Acids.
Helps improve cholesterol ratio.
Sensational buttery taste.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Longest Race Report Ever

Thursday, August 23, we pack Betty Lou and get ready to ride. Of course, she has to leave Fred behind. Why you ask? Well, because she has to make room for this guy...

"The School Bus" No room for Fred when Bigun's Ride jumps on

(remember click on any picture you wish to see bigger)

Plus, Bigun needs to be able to fit in for the long journey too.

We hit the road.

Betty Lou avoided all temptation for the numerous Road Side Stands along the way

Somehow she also managed to avoid the PoPo in Lawtey, Waldo and Starke. All notorious "Speed Trap" towns...according the numerous billboards posted along the highway.

She did not however manage to avoid the many, many construction zones between Tampa and Chicago. I lost count after 25.

She kept the numbers in check

Said hello to recently Hitched Jen and Rob - from Tennessee

Cafe Risque definitely wanted our business. One of the signs even welcomed couples. Huh - go figure

Betty Lou was a trooper even when subjected to the minor indignity of bug splatter

Splatter which Bigun so kindly rid her of at every stop. What a nice guy. She says she'll keep him... hey, wait a minute...

We drove through one city ( L'Ville) after another

one construction zone after another...swear, it's a different one! They all look the same is all...

Then another city (Nashville)....

She drove through Thunder, lightening and driving rain storms.

Betty Lou FLEW through Atlanta

Narrowly saved our lives from this flesh eating, bone crushing monster

She took us to a Fine International Restaurant for some vittles

Skirted more construction in Georgia - They burn their highway debris....

All for this. The largest Triathlon known to man or woman.
More than 8000 competitors came out for this race. Incredible. And we were there...

This is Sherpa Extraordinaire - Andy. Andy and Brittany are our friends who live just outside of the Windy City. They rose at 3 am the morning of the race and packed a Sherpa pack to be envied by all. They totally rock. We dropped Bigun off about a block from the transition area so that we could go find a parking spot. We found a great spot in the Monroe Street garage. Perfect.

Andy, Brittany and I made our way down to the water where the athletes would be coming out of the swim. It was a beautiful morning and everyone seemed in great spirits. Smiles were everywhere and the chatter and excitement certainly was contagious if you weren't quite feeling it before. We were certainly feeling it.
We hung out and watched the people while we waited for Bigun to join back up with us. The first wave was to start at 6:30. We arrived at 4:30 and Bigun's wave wasn't due to leave until 9:41. The insanity!! Holy cow, all those waves of people. There were a total of 52 waves for this race. Bigun was in wave #51. lol. Truth.

So, to kill time while waiting, guess what I did.

The clouds were lit up like they were on fire . The edges reminded me of a slip of paper that falls into the fire and you snatch it out just before it is consumed by the fire. But the edges are glowing with that bright orange and yellow burn. The morning on the lake was like heaven. So beautiful.

The water was full of swimmers for 3 hours... look at all of those bodies both in the water and spectating. I read there were over 150,000 spectators last year. I wonder how many there were this year.

Finally found Bigun. Here he is with Tim Davies (left) Bigun, Roman Mica and Dr. Dave. These were the guys we were her to watch. There was some time to kill before they took off. So we all hung out and chatted and enjoyed each others' company for a while. It afforded these guys an opportunity to watch other athletes competing in the sprint portion of the race.

Master Sherpa taking a short break

The guys stretching and contemplating their race strategies...Tim went to find his dad and his wife. we didn't get to see him again until the bike.

I think this lady's morning must have started a little too early for her. She took a quick cat nap in the sun during the early portion of the race.

Beautiful Bride Brittany of Sherpa Extraordinaire Andy enjoying the wonderful morning with her hubby. We pretty much relaxed and waited for Big Mike and J-Wimm to join us. They arrived before Bigun and Roman hit the water. Where is their picture... I know I have a few or two here...hold on, they're coming.

Okay - the race is on! Bigun had a pretty good time in the water. I got a great shot of him just coming out of the water but he used it on his blog. I borrowed this shot from Andy.

Big Mike caught this shot of me, J-Wimm, Brittany and Andy cheering on the bike portion of the race. Man oh man. Talk about some HAWT bikes. They were there, J-Wimm and I both drooled over the new pink Trek and purred over the new Orbea Diva - in pink.

Bigun came peeling around the curve and screaming down the hill with the speed of light. We yelled, cowbelled and cheered pretty loudly! Then we had to figure out the logistics of getting to the finish line for the run. It was about 4 blocks away. we had a bit of a trek ahead of us. We made it fun.

The Fountain was celebrating it's 80th birthday on August 26th. They even had cake for everyone and clowns for the kids.

Andy was feeling a little "Pretty"
Sing it with me now "I fell pretty, oh so pretty..."

Fellow Photographer Brittany was sashaying all sexy like too...must have been the water spouting out like it was...

There they are!!! I told you Big Mike and J-Wimm were there with us!! It was so wonderful having them join us for this race. I felt like I dragged them all over tarnation though from this spot to that spot. It was fun. I couldn't say enough how happy I was that they drove 2 hours to hang with us. How awesome is that?

With all of our Dilly Dallying at the fountain, we almost missed Bigun crossing the finish line!! We did! we were so busy cuttin' up and playing the fool we barelymade his finish. Thankfully we did. he finished really strong. look at that smile! Look at that gait! He smoked chica at the line.

After the race we all sat and roasted for at least 2 hours in the blaring sun waiting for the awards. Talk about a crappy end to an excellent race, well...we won't even go there. That is an entire post on it's own. I am sure most of you have heard about the controversy over Roman's finish. He kicked ass on this race. For those of you who don't know, well...well...I just better not. It gets me spitting mad all over again!!
So, we made our way in three different cars to a wing place in Evanston. It was called Buffalo Joe's. Best wing sauceI've had in a very very long time. Talk about an adventure getting everyone there. It was a lesson in hysterical funny. Afterwards. During...well, we were worried about losing J-Wimm and Big Mike. They got caught in traffic in downtown Chicago. Big Time. I know they got a 20 minute later start than we did. Talk about flying, well Big Mike and J-Wimm must have sprouted wings on their Envoy, because it pulled into the garage 2 minutes after we did. AMAZING!!!!
We all had wings, all 9 of us at a table for 6. It was a bit of a challenge to get everyone in but we did it. This place we ate at was what one would describe as a "dive" . But Roman and his friend Steve had the skinny on this place. And they were right. The wings were sehr gut! 3 of us ordered the suicide wings - they weren't that hot. Really. ask Big Mike, but they were still really tasty. Did I tell you the wings were yummy?
We all laughed so hard. Big Mike and Dr. Dave were hysterical. Ask Big Mike about "Pinch to Pass". Dr Dave had all of the older (like in their 70's and up) age group ladies passing him up on the run, they had to "pinch to pass" True story. Okay, so not really, but according to Dave - by the time he made it back to Omaha it would be true. We were rolling with laughter.

We said our farewells to all and hitched The School Bus back on the back of our Team Sherpa car and headed off into the sunset. It was a glorious day and a glorious race.