Monday, December 13, 2010

Parrish The Thought

I was sitting in the passenger seat of my own car. Watching with interest all of the things passing before me as we fled down the highway at 80mph, on our way to get away.

Scattered amongst the sunrise, the mist on the water, the trees lining the side of the road was a green, reflective sign saying Parrish, 20 miles.
Parrish 20mi.
Parrish, perish, pearish, parish. Perish?

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Inspiration arrives at our doorstep in so many different forms. Sometimes it knocks so loudly that you cannot ignore it no matter how hard you try. Sometimes it taps just enough to get your attention. Other times, it's like the porch light flicking on and off when your mom says it's time to come inside because it's past your curfew. You can close your eyes and ignore it but when you open them's still there, blinking on and off. Now, what was that.....?

What inspires you?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

"...could you paint me better off?" matchbox 20

Apparently, I've gone far enough with the well known aspects of... progress, and are ready to face the unknown. My Horoscope says so, hence, it must be true. Hell, I'll bite. It falls right in line with what's going on  in my life at the moment. Strength and courage, guess I'll need some of that too. Thank goodness The Pour House is with in walking distance from the new place. The beer there is pretty good. It's brand new so I hope they can find the patrons they'll need to keep the place going. It's very Urban Loft looking inside, painted in blues and chocolates with cool sleek furniture, including a couple of sofas, to boot. Colour aside, it's got over 20 taps of courage and strength. LOL

Maybe I've been living someone else's life. So often, that is actually how it feels. Changing my lifestyle is going to be harder this time than it ever has been in the past. Strangely, as hard as this is for me, it feels as though I am finding my way to the person and the place that I should be., this isn't the path I chose, it's the one I found myself on after other choices were made. My path, my life, is tied to another's and I think that often changes the choice you would have made if you were alone versus the ones you make when considering another person. Yes... I do have a choice in this part of the equation, but it has never really felt that way. When it comes to matters of the heart your mind sometimes loses it's ability to objectively choose. The heart makes decisions for you even when your mind is tugging at your sleeve to consider where you're headed. 

Friday, April 16, 2010

Life is About Choice

Life is about choices. Choice, that's when you exercise your freewill. We all have it. Even in the most dire of circumstances. There is a man, lying in the middle of the street. He was thrown from his vehicle when an 18 wheeler lost control and jack knifed into his car as he and his wife and daughter are on their way home from dinner. He looks to his right, he can see his wife in the car and he hears her calling to him for help.The car is upside down, it's in flames and her seatbelt held her in place. Off to his left, he hears his young daughter crying and then sees her lying in the street about 4 feet away, her leg is disjointed, broken, she can't move. His decision will affect him and his future. He can see that both are within his reach to save but he only has time to save he thinks he will go pull his wife from the wreckage, he hears a car coming towards them. But the accident is just over the crest of a hill, the oncoming car won't see the wreck until it's too late. The car won't be able to stop in time to keep from hitting the daughter lying in the road. Freewill, the man has it, pull his wife out before the car explodes or pull his daughter close...he can only do one. So often, people will say, he has NO choice. But he does, the question is, which one will he make and how will he live with his choice?

How do you live with yours?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It Does a Body Good


It does a body good............................................????????????? It does. Really. Reinventing yourself is a good thing. Life creates opportunity for us in ways we never expect. I've always believed that. Sometimes though, change fucking sucks. Yeah, I used the F'bomb. Sorry y'all but that is how this one feels. Normally, I embrace change because I know that I am going to experience new and wonderful things as well as challenging new experiences. I like that. This go around, it's breaking my heart and I am powerless to stop it.

With this change comes a whole new lifestyle and that does excite me. It excites me because I think I'll be able to reconnect with a part of me that I always loved but somehow lost track of. That part, I'm totally on board with.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Randomness? I Don't Think So

Life is full of randomness? Random happenings, random actions, random, I don't think so. Every thought is generated by something. A visual, a memory, an action of someone, a word spoken out loud. There are no random acts, no random thoughts...everything is a result of some sort of chain of events, no matter how small. Nothing is ever random.