Sunday, February 25, 2007


Barolo it is! It's not the name or brand of our new washer and dryer. It's the color. The word still cracks me up. It sounds like what you would call an Italian Constable doesn't it? The color is FABULOUS. So, next time you come over for a Martini, or a Mojito or just conversation, expect to be given a tour of the Laundry Room. Bring a load, we'll get it done while we drink. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.

Atleast that is one thing down. I still have to decide on the car and Bigun and I still have to go try out mattresses. Mattresses could be fun. A friend of mine suggested we go to every mattress place in town and "make out" on the various options. Could be fun. Maybe I'll wear my robe and slippers.....

Thursday, February 22, 2007

I Want To Win... or do I?

Professor Henry Higgins (Pygmalion) said it best, "Thank Heaven for little girls". American Idol can thank their lucky stars for the female competitors this year. The first night of the top 24 show put me to sleep. Yawn....

The only guy I was awake long enough to hear "Bring it" was Beat Box Boy, Blake. He is reminiscent of Freddy Mercury/ Morrissey. He pulled off notes in places that no one else could have even dreamed let alone attempt. Enough.

Lets get back to "The Dream Girls"
I saw some panicked looking faces sitting in the Dawg Pound last night. Panicked they should be. Our first girl, Stephanie Edwards came out strong and wanting to win. She chose the right song "How Come You Don't Call Me". When she finished you were left thinking, "Yeah, how come you don't call her?" Fabulous. Bigun and I both were cheering for her. After the night before we were a little worried that she would be the best of the evening. Were we pleasantly surprised. There was more good to come. Unfortunately it didn't arrive again for a few songs. We had to suffer through a couple of pitiful renditions of some pretty good classics. Oh well. They tried, right?

Then a firecracker of a 17 year old voice entered stage left. Jordin Spark. Spark is right. She had it, she has it and she will bring it. I'm looking forward to seeing this young girl grow vocally and musically. She's wonderful.

Riddle me this.... What was her name? Can't remember her name let alone which song she butchered. Is it just me or does it look like she has to pee?

This poor girl looked more like she was trying out for "American Comic". Humm, new show? Oh wait, that's been done too hasn't it?

Keep your eyes on the girls who are doing it right. By doing it right I mean, Stephanie, Jordin, Melinda Doolittle ( LOVED her), Sabrina Sloan and PLEEEZE lets not forget THEE Mighty Powerhouse herself, Lakisha Jones. That chick Rocked the house!! I saw some scary looks on some of the other singers' faces.Panic was starting to rear it's ugly head. Wait, that wasn't panic, it was the ugly green monster. Can you say "catty"? Cat. Tee. Oh yes. And I'm not even talking about the girls yet. Boys were lookin' mighty askeert. I can only imagine what was going through some of their minds. As for the girls, I'll bet ole' Antonella is praying to All of The Powers That Be, her pretty face will get her to the next show. 'Cause she sure didn't have anything else to bank.
Well, gotta go, "The votes are in...."

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Gasparilla half Mary- Di's point of view....

Well, The race is over and I don't want to rush to the natural ending of this entry but, Bigun did Awesome!!!!! Amazing! Fantastical!!!! Phenomenal!!!!

4 am comes early no matter what day it is. When it's Sunday and you have a cold it's still way too early. I have to confess I almost did not go to this race. I felt so crummy this morning trying to fight off the watering eyes, sniffles and slight congestion. Yuck to say the least. What made me feel worse than this crummy cold was the thought that I would miss a race. So, I bucked up and got dressed ( slowly).

We piled all of our stuff into the truck and hit the road. Now, we are only 15 minutes away from where we needed to be so what "stuff" could we possibly have to pack you ask? Let's see, my camera bag, a canvas bag with a change of clothes for Bigun, a cooler bag with breakfast(bagels, cream cheese, salmon and coffee creamer) and a good book (for the hour between start time and when I can wake up our friend and race hostess, Hope). Let's not forget my purse...That's a lot of junk.

On the way to the race I had to stop for some Kleenex. Talk about miserable. Being the great guy that he is, Bigun didn't complain even when we had to make 2 stops because the first quick stop didn't carry tissues. Can you believe it?!?!? Who ever heard of a quick stop that doesn't carry tissues? I never.

Arriving downtown we start looking for a place to park. Tons of lots everywhere and tons of garages. We decided to try our luck at finding a place near the "Start" of the race. Our luck was amazing. We nabbed a spot practically 50 feet from the start. Awesome. It's still O'Dark thirty (5:30 am in Tampa) and wicked cold. Did I tell you that we are FREEZING in Florida right now? FREEZING. GLACIAL. (see word of the day) FREAKIN COLD. Anyway, I digress.

We mosey over to the starting point and it's really chilly and the wind is whipping itself up into a mild frenzy. Not too bad yet, it proved pretty soon afterward that it could indeed be worse. It's still dark, the race is delayed by about 10 minutes on the start because of the torrential rains we received during the night. Bayshore Dr and Davis Island both have a habit of flooding whenever it rains harder than a mist. That happened to be the race route. I know, it all sounds dismal doesn't it? It wasn't soooo bad really. The race started with a bang. I watched the start from the back of the Avalanche and I have to tell you, it was a GREAT vantage point! If I had only been given a ray of daylight I might have been able to get some shots of Bigun at the start. Unfortunately because of lack of light, I couldn't get a focused shot. I was bummed. After the athletes run by I get back in the truck and crank up the heat. It was nice and cozy while I read Ludlum's "The Bancroft Strategy". At about 7:15am I started gathering up our "Stuff" and locked up the truck. The spot we parked in was only a block away from our friend Hope's condo. The sun is shining. Not too bad on a warm sunny day, but as you all know... that isn't what we had going on this morning. Brrrrrrrr.

Hope was up and at'em and ready for the fun. She has an amazing view from her Balcony. It was really nice to be able to watch the festivities from a warmer vantage point. As 7:45 rolled around we thought we should make our way downstairs to the curb so we could cheer Bigun on as he ran past us heading towards the finish line.
We didn't have to wait long. When he came running toward us, his gait was strong. I could tell by his posture and his face that he was still feeling great after 13 miles. It was really exciting to see him finishing so strong! I was so proud of him! He has been training hard and it really showed this morning. Bigun is well on his way to being ready for his Ironman goal. Well on his way.
Bigun crossed the finish line and collected his finishers medal then made his way back down Bayshore ( about a 100 yards) to where Hope and I were standing. Hope and I gave him due props and oggled his medal and then hightailed it back to the door of the lobby. We quickly retired to Hope's lovely condo and enjoyed a light breakfast with a view of the finish line. What a truly nice way to start the day. I am so glad I didn't allow myself to stay home this morning. So glad.
After a couple of hours we left our Wonderful Race Hostess to her quiet Sunday and we made our way home. Today was a nice day. Did I say that already? Sorry, it was. Despite my crummy cold and achy muscles. I'm so proud of my man.

Today turned out to be a bright, sunny, (wicked freakin' cold) wonderful day at the races.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Okay. I live in Florida. This whole "freezing" temperature thing is for all of you other people. It's 32 degrees here! The grass has frost all over it and the trees are quiet. The birds are chatting up a storm. I think they're all screeching "WTF? It's cold out here. I didn't move to Florida for this." Birds.

I took the girls out for their morning constitution and both of them looked at me like I had grown a second head sometime in the night. 'Biner was a blur. She ran out and next I knew she was huddled under her woobie in the kitchen. I never saw her fly past me to get back inside. Chournie. Chournie went out and quickly did her business. I think she held back. 20 seconds later inside she is scratching to go back out. repeat. She doesn't like wet or cold on her delicate toes.
Briscoe is in heaven out on the patio chasing the finches and Redwing Blackbirds all around. He can't get to them but he can see them flitting everywhere on the other side of the screen. They are really full of energy this morning. The Pelicans are on the lake in a feeding frenzy. The water is all a twitter with the sounds of it's inhabitants. I saw a fish fly 2 feet in the air while I was photographing a pair of Ibis at the shore. Wish I could have caught that on digital.

All of this pretty talk is very nice and well but let me get to the real issue at hand. Bigun. He has a half marathon in the morning and the temps aren't promising to be much warmer. The race starts at 6 am. My girlfriend Hope has a condo that sits facing Bayshore. Bayshore is where the athletes will be racing. Right on the water. Chilly. I am thinking that I'll be watching from the balcony rather than the street. I hope that Bigun can hear me cheering from 15 floors up. Under the electric blanket. Warm. Eating a bagel. Drinking HOT coffee. I can only pray that Hope will open her door that early in the morning. I'm calling her today to see if she's down with that plan. I'm bringing the lox and bagels...maybe that will pry her door open a little earlier.....cross your fingers for me.

You know, it just doesn't seem right to be looking out at the banana tree in your yard and see it surrounded by frost. It just ain't right. I know....kwitchurbitchin. Here's a shot of an Ibis cruising the shore this morning.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Navigating a Blog

For Newbies just reading a blog can be somewhat of a challenge. For all of you veteran bloggers out there you may want to skip this entry. OR you may want to click on the word "Feedback" and add a helpful tip.
Maneuvering your way through the body of a blog entry is first on the agenda

1. As you read, look for Highlighted words/underlined words. They are usually links to somewhere the writer hopes you will visit. Sometimes a blogger will make a reference to a previous post. They will include a hyperlink to take you to their reference. Just arrow back to return to the blog.

2. Often times the images in a post are also hyperlinks. Try it out. It can be fun. Click on the image to the right... to get back to the post(blog) just arrow back when you are finished checking out the link.

3. Instead of commenting to the author via email, click on to their "Feedback" button(mine says feedback, most say comments). You can find it at the bottom of the post. It will take you to a page where you can leave comments/thoughts about their blog. Have fun with it. If you aren't a registered "Blogger" then sign on under anonymous and simply sign your name with your message before you click on "Publish". Just like writing a note to someone. Easy.

4. Use the margins of the blog. Most bloggers will provide you with various menus you can click on to cruise deeper into their posts. Lots of fun. For example, I include links to other bloggers in my margin. Also, if you click on any of the races I have listed for Marc's Race schedule this year they too are links. The race you click on will take you to the web page for that particular race.

5. Any questions? click on "Feedback".

6. Enjoy.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentine's Day

Have any of you ever played the game "Grapevine" (aka telephone, Gossip, Chinese gossip etc.)? I refer you to the movie Johnny Dangerously and the grapevine scene.
The game works like this- one person whispers a quick little something- something along these lines... "Danielle was out rollerskating on John St. with Ricky and her boyfriend was nowhere to be found". You whisper this into some one's ear and they in turn must turn and whisper it to the next person. You need at least 6 people to really have fun with this(20 is better). Any way, when the "story" reaches the last person they are required to repeat what they were just told out loud to the whole crowd. It would probably sound something like this- "Ricky skated on Danielle and her boyfriend was seen out on a date with John Street". The originator then is required to tell everyone what they originally said. The results are hysterical and a prime example of how a story can change in just moments.

Why do I bring this up you ask? Well, because for Valentine's Day Bigun presented me with an amazing love letter. I won't share the letter with you but I will tell you that on the back of the letter was a seating chart of where we would be sitting for the production "Wicked". Notice the imagery in the production banner. It's one person (witch) whispering into an other's ear. Well, if you are not familiar with the story let me share a little. It's about the life & times of Elphaba, Oz's Wicked Witch of the West. Brilliant. You realise, as the story unfolds, that "The Wizard of Oz" was a prime example of just how very awry the game of "Grapevine" can go. I am curious to see how this story "Wicked" unfolds as a musical. The show is a Tony winner. We now have tickets. Can't wait!!! You'll hear all about it on March 7th.

I am afraid I didn't come up with anything even close to spectacular for Bigun. Nothing could hold a candle to the letter he wrote to me. I planned a dinner of one of his favorite Chicken entres, sweet Baby Carrots, Seedless grapes, phat, fat chocolate on chocolate on chocolate cake and Chocolate dipped strawberries. I felt this was a double good gift because he would then be spared an evening of Sushi. I love sushi and on Valentines he always takes me out for Sushi.In spite of the fact that he does not eat sushi. At all. While I was cooking dinner we watched 'The 13th Warrior". It bombed at the box office, I know. Too bad because Bigun and I both absolutely LOVE this movie. Crichton's Eaters of the Dead was put to the screen in 13th Warrior. Loved the book. The book was exceptional. Books are always exceptional because you are allowed to use your own imagination. 13th Warrior, no not true to Eaters of the Dead. So. What?. Awesome flick.

We had an extraordinary Valentine's Day. I hope you did too.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

To Blog or not to Blog...

I have been having a difficult time coming up with things to chat about in the blog lately. Both blogs actually. I haven't felt any inspiration for my DIY Design blog lately either.

Inspiration, where does it come from? Often times it comes from just normal everyday, seemingly mundane events. Right? Frightening. LaCoste sells it in a bottle. My days are even less than mundane if it has come down to empty brain with empty thoughts.

Other than the norm, you know, work. Here is my list of things that need tending....

1. Choose a new washer/dryer set to purchase.

2. Decide on a new car. (my lease is about up)

3. Try out new mattresses, the old one has outlived it's usefulness.

Don't any of these 3 things rank in the top 5 most stressful life happenings? I think they should all place up there somewhere.

#1-I told you. Even less than mundane. Shopping for appliances tops my list of "Please. Not now." But it has to be done and it has to be done soon. Bigun was set with the task of researching what brands have the highest consumer ratings for performance. Seems like it would be a relatively simple task these days. What with the "Information Highway" allowing us immediate accessibility to such info. He did a great job and found a few he could cost compare as well as performance compare.

Now comes the hard part. Bigun's side of the job was relatively easy. I have to be the one who decides, ultimately, what color. Yes, color. Not so easy as white or white these days. Have you seen the color options out there? Unbelievable. Mindboggling. Burnt Citrus, Pacific Blue, Champagne, Platinum, Graphite, Onyx, Compatible Cream, Barolo. BAROLO?!?! WTH? I work with color every day folks, Barolo? Had to be some macho guy who thinks he is in tune with his metro sexual self who came up with this name. Barolo. Give me a break. Barolo. Actually, it's a gorgeous color. Love the color. I think. Seems to be a deep brown/red. Looks cool on the website. Actually it's my favorite of all of the color choices. I just don't think I have it in me to tell my friends..." Yes, isn't it beautiful, it's Barolo." Wait, why the hell would I be showing anyone my washer and dryer anyway? I told you, less than mundane.

You are probably begging for the punishment to stop. End the blog now and be on my way right? Sorry, I'm just getting started. Remember, other than work I have two more things on my list of "To Do". What were they....? Oh, yes. #2

#2- Choose a new car. Currently I drive a 2003 Saab 9-3 red convertible. The lease will run out soon and another Saab is NOT on my list. Sparing you from the agonizing Saab Story is easy for me. I don't even find myself wanting to talk about it. Love the red color though. My toes and fingernails match the shade of red on the car. Oh yes. Accessorizing is important folks. I will say that if you find a dealership with a great Service Department, considering a Saab would come highly recommended by me. Tampa's Service Manager is a joke. At Scott Saab in Tampa-Unless you sport a penis with your Saab forget about Service.

Choices. The part I hate. It has always been my natural assumption that a BMW would replace the Saab in the garage. Afterall, that is what I went out to get the day I came home with the Saab. Should have listened to that first instinct. Gone with the B'mer and be done with it. I have decided that I no longer wish to drive a Red car anymore. My nails will have to be glamorous on their own now. Oh how I love the red color though. Love. It. love it. My car has been hit 6 times. While it was immobile. It's freakin red!!!! Really RED!!!! WTH?!?! So, red is out. I am thinking of a cool electric blue of sorts. Corvette's blue is yummy. Yummy yummy. Problem, can't get that blue on a B'mer.

The short list of considerations are as follows- a. VW Beetle Convertible b. Mini Cooper S Convertible c.BMW 325ci d. VW Eos Notice a theme yet? Yes, I am a girl who likes to go topless.

I am leaning heavily towards the Mini. This means, 6 speed, turbo, with a cute little button to push for a topless day. Sporty, fun, I can order one with a bike rack. Nice. Convertibles are tough for sporting a bike rack and still looking cool. A Mini was made for a bike rack. Hot. To quote Bold "HAWT". Question now- if a Mini is in order, Dark Blue with black racing stripes or British Racing Green? Neither color will look good on my nails. A girl's sacrifices are tough but I think I could deal with this one.

Last on my list #3

#3- New mattress. Enough said.

I warned you, mundane was on the list today.

Monday, February 5, 2007


For those of you unfamiliar with Tampa and it's goings on, please allow me to familiarize you with Gasparilla. Gasparilla is Tampa's version of Mardi Gras. Much smaller in scale and much smaller in everything. They have the floats, the boats, the beads, the liquor and Pirates. It takes you down Bayshore. The Money Mecca of Tampa. All the big houses and circle drives.

They sponsor a run during the Gasparilla Events. Bigun is participating in the 1/2 Marathon Distance on the 18th of February. This should be fun. People from every nook and cranny come out for this race. They also come out for the shorter one on the 17th. A lot of people get into the spirit. You'll see people from every age range and background. They will run on this day even if they never run another day in the year. Sort of scary when you think of all of those potential cardiac arrests pending on the 17th and 18th. All heart attacks aside, I'm looking forward to a funfilled day at the races. We've lived here 7 years and this will be my first personal peek into the Gasparilla thing.