Thursday, September 1, 2011

Everything Possible

Sitting here in the fading light of the day, I was moved by a voice in my head that pushed me back to this place. It's quiet in my living room. It's quiet everyday here. Occasionally the sweet meowing of the kittehs pull me out of my own thoughts and I turn my focus to Mishie and Brisco. They are both so sweet and if it's possible for a cat to 'love' a human these two definitely love me. They bring a smile to my face  many times throughout the day, every day.

When the day is coming to an end and the light is disappearing over the horizon, it's such a peaceful, quiet time. I'm not sure why but I'm compelled to do so but when I see the setting sun I grab my camera and try to capture the day's end whenever possible. There's serenity, beauty, joy, hope, sadness and possibility in each and every one of those sunsets. Capturing that in a photograph, well....I doubt that I possess that talent but I try anyway. It's not just sunsets, it's sunrise too. Both of those fleeting moments of the day offer an ending and a beginning. What you do with either is entirely up to you. How you view them, it's entirely up to you. I see them both as a promise of what can be.  There's so much we allow to slip past us and we never blink an eye. Why is that?

This evening, in the fading light I saw everything possible, what to do with that.....


melissa cook miller said...

.. Have I told you lately that I love you?

Possibilities??? -
what do you do with them?

Everything Diana - Absolutely Everything.

Di said...

Thank you Missy!! It's mutual girl!!