Monday, December 13, 2010

Parrish The Thought

I was sitting in the passenger seat of my own car. Watching with interest all of the things passing before me as we fled down the highway at 80mph, on our way to get away.

Scattered amongst the sunrise, the mist on the water, the trees lining the side of the road was a green, reflective sign saying Parrish, 20 miles.
Parrish 20mi.
Parrish, perish, pearish, parish. Perish?

1 comment:

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Hi Di! I'm gonna post just cause sometimes I get nostalgic for the old blogger days!!! Happy New Year!!!
I actually went on my sidebar and slicked on all the old sites and most are taken private, and many are taken down.
HAve a good night tonight!!