Saturday, November 27, 2010


Inspiration arrives at our doorstep in so many different forms. Sometimes it knocks so loudly that you cannot ignore it no matter how hard you try. Sometimes it taps just enough to get your attention. Other times, it's like the porch light flicking on and off when your mom says it's time to come inside because it's past your curfew. You can close your eyes and ignore it but when you open them's still there, blinking on and off. Now, what was that.....?

What inspires you?


SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

The Truth. I only tell it and I only tolerate it.

Jesus Christ.

People who take the high road. That's hard to do.

melissa cook miller said...

Diana - you inspire me pretty much everyday. People have often made fun of me because I use the word (though not often) Lovely. It's a great word that is only used for the most deserving!! You deserve it!

Lovely is just what you are. Kind, beautiful, respectful, wise and generous with your words, thoughts, and actions.

Yeah - I'm biased. Bite me!


Di said...

Jenny, I <3 You. You are someone I feel privileged to call my friend.

Missy, you my dear are lovely in my eyes. Lovely is one of my favorite words. Thank you for such a nice compliment.

BTW- Bite you? I'd rather bang you! LOL xoxo