Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Moya

As I sit here in the quiet of the day, The Moya is laying on the sofa next to me. She is curled as tight as she can get to stay on the blanket. She knows she isn't supposed to lay on the sofa so she squeezes herself up onto the tiny square of blanket that my legs are under. Moya is twitching as if she is closing in a group of wandering sheep or redirecting a calf that wants to stray from the herd....she is yipping and barking in her dreams. I can hear her muffled voice calling out to whatever it is she is corralling in her
fields of wild grass and flowers.............

.......I wish I could join her there. In her dreams. I wish I could see her face smiling and hear the laughter in her bark as she runs, untethered and free to do what she loves most, keeping 'it' together. In her dream, I'm pretty certain she is herding some sort of animal back into a tidy little group. She does it at the dog park with the other dogs. She keeps them together. She keeps me together. The Moya brings so much joy into my life. 

Have A Wonderful Day

Have a great day!!

I'm serious. My wish for you is that you will go through the day with a smile on your face and with grace in your heart. If you can do those two things, it will be a good day. It's a fact. Try it.

Even on my worst days, I find myself wishing a good day to everyone I encounter. No, it's not just a thought, I say it to them and I smile. My exact words are usually these,"I hope you have a wonderful day." Then, I smile and look them in the eye. It's important to look them in the eye because then, they'll know that I mean what I say. At least I hope they'll know.

So to you I say,"I hope you have a wonderful day." If I could see you, I would smile as I looked into your eyes and I would know my day will be a good one. Wish someone a good day today and mean it. I promise, your day will improve and you can go through your day with a smile on your face and grace in your heart.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Escape.....Your. Dreams. Escape, You.

So much for my "30 Day~ A Post A Day" attempt. I'd like to say I'm going to get back to it but who am I kidding? If I make this a job or a chore, I won't do it.

Photo by Patty Maher - 
Fact is, I was quite occupied and probably should not have undertaken the chore when I did. The kids were here visiting and we stayed rather busy during their stay here. Having them here is always fun but it is also exhausting.

For weeks now I've had so many things turning over in my head. Things that seem to want to find an escape from the dark caverns in my brain but probably should be kept where they are. Down, deep into the blackness that rarely, if ever, sees even the smallest flicker of light. Maybe it will see a teeny tiny flicker of light. A flicker as weak as that of a candle. That flicker of light that makes you turn and try to look twice, straining for a peek, at whatever it was you caught a tiny glimpse of out of the corner of your eye. You strain - lean harder in to see it.... it is like that small, tiny, whisper that calls out but you can't understand what it is saying.... it is in there, deep in the dark recesses of your mind and that is where those things should stay (I think). Once you let them out, who knows the havoc they shall wreak on you and your steady, contented, uncontented life.

What if.......what if you open up the way out, like unlatching a suitcase, and what you had held in for so long....what if it all..............................................


What if?