Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentine's Day

Have any of you ever played the game "Grapevine" (aka telephone, Gossip, Chinese gossip etc.)? I refer you to the movie Johnny Dangerously and the grapevine scene.
The game works like this- one person whispers a quick little something- something along these lines... "Danielle was out rollerskating on John St. with Ricky and her boyfriend was nowhere to be found". You whisper this into some one's ear and they in turn must turn and whisper it to the next person. You need at least 6 people to really have fun with this(20 is better). Any way, when the "story" reaches the last person they are required to repeat what they were just told out loud to the whole crowd. It would probably sound something like this- "Ricky skated on Danielle and her boyfriend was seen out on a date with John Street". The originator then is required to tell everyone what they originally said. The results are hysterical and a prime example of how a story can change in just moments.

Why do I bring this up you ask? Well, because for Valentine's Day Bigun presented me with an amazing love letter. I won't share the letter with you but I will tell you that on the back of the letter was a seating chart of where we would be sitting for the production "Wicked". Notice the imagery in the production banner. It's one person (witch) whispering into an other's ear. Well, if you are not familiar with the story let me share a little. It's about the life & times of Elphaba, Oz's Wicked Witch of the West. Brilliant. You realise, as the story unfolds, that "The Wizard of Oz" was a prime example of just how very awry the game of "Grapevine" can go. I am curious to see how this story "Wicked" unfolds as a musical. The show is a Tony winner. We now have tickets. Can't wait!!! You'll hear all about it on March 7th.

I am afraid I didn't come up with anything even close to spectacular for Bigun. Nothing could hold a candle to the letter he wrote to me. I planned a dinner of one of his favorite Chicken entres, sweet Baby Carrots, Seedless grapes, phat, fat chocolate on chocolate on chocolate cake and Chocolate dipped strawberries. I felt this was a double good gift because he would then be spared an evening of Sushi. I love sushi and on Valentines he always takes me out for Sushi.In spite of the fact that he does not eat sushi. At all. While I was cooking dinner we watched 'The 13th Warrior". It bombed at the box office, I know. Too bad because Bigun and I both absolutely LOVE this movie. Crichton's Eaters of the Dead was put to the screen in 13th Warrior. Loved the book. The book was exceptional. Books are always exceptional because you are allowed to use your own imagination. 13th Warrior, no not true to Eaters of the Dead. So. What?. Awesome flick.

We had an extraordinary Valentine's Day. I hope you did too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're going to Wicked too! This Thursday - I will tell you EVERY juicy detail. NOT!!! We both read the book and are EXTREMELY excited.

Sounds like you two had a wonderful VD (hee hee). The dinner you made sounds better than what most restaurants serve. I'm sure Bigun really appreciated the gesture and delicious grub.

Coincidentally, we had sushi. Then off to see Hannibal. I know, how romantic! But we're weird that way (as you know).

Thanks for the movie review. I have a feeling The 13th Warrior is right up our alley!

Cheek kisses (don't want your nasty cold!)