Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Training Log

Monday night - I took a Yoga class
Yep - sure did. My friend Green Eyed Lady has been asking me to go to Yoga class with her. I have been wanting to go. Really, I have. So, I attended class on Monday night. That's our instructor Debbie on the left, Green Eyed Lady in the middle and me on the right. GEL took a few pictures of the instructor in pose and then a few "group" shots. She closed her eyes. Yep, she sure did. Not an open lid to be seen on her face. So, Bigun cut and pasted my left eye over her lids. Enhanced the color a little... voila!(double click the picture for a better view!) There you have us. In all of our post yoga glory. It was fun. I must say, if you tri folks haven't tried yoga, you should. It stretches your body out in a most wonderful way. Awesome afterwards. I think that all of the great stretching on Monday night enabled me to extend my ride on Tuesday.

Tuesday night - I rode a little over 15 miles on my bike.
My longest ride so far. I suffered a neck injury last summer and am still working through it. It was a pretty bad injury. The Doc now wants me to go through a series of epidurals injected into the 3 highest disks in my neck. Any ways, my point is, after about 7 miles of riding, my neck is usually in too much pain to ride any further. Tuesday night, I rode 2 laps at Flatwoods. I felt great during the ride and no pain after the ride. I think all of the stretching the night before really helped.

You are probably asking one really big question right now...

What am I training for?

The answer is...
A faster metabolism.


Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

Training for a faster metabolism - sign me up. Glad the yoga was such a good experience for you and great job on the bike.

Jazzzzergal aka "Mrs blink" said...

But the bigger question is, Does your "taint" hurt today? I think mine hurt until Monday from the Taco Ride (20 Mile trail ride)on Thursday! Glad you are getting out there and riding and stretching is a great thing!


Jazzzzergal aka "Mrs blink" said...

Oh, GEL looks a little like an alein with those eyes. Did Buzz bring her back from "ETERNITY OR BEYOND?"

Di said...

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! Uh, no. It doesn't hurt (you know what I'm referring to - see Jazzzzergal's comment), I have a secret weapon against such pain.... a really big, fat, cushy, gel filled seat!! LOVE IT!!!!!

Buzz is responsible for the eyes, that much I will say....

bigmike600 said...

Bigun should stick to racing the leave the photo touch ups to the pro's!!! Sorry to hear about your neck. Injuries are bogus. Nothing is worse than wanting to do something and your body not letting you. Glad you got a little riding in. Always feels nice when you are done.

Green Eyed Lady (aka GEL) said...

I'll tell you what - I went to bed laughing, I woke up laughing, and I'm STILL laughing over that picture! That should be the icon for Green Eyed Lady! When I got the email about your new post "Training Log," I thought for sure there was going to be graphs! Oh, don't you just feel a new post coming on????

Unknown said...

I love yoga! Whenever I can, I like to take a PiYo class at the Y (a cross of Pilates and yoga) and it makes you fell so so so good and strong and balanced. Although the last time I went with my sister we got to giggling so hard about a pose I couldnt hodl that I nearly wet myself.
In our house the saddle soreness is referred to as the "ABC" (ass/ball connection) with the female equivalent being the AVC. It doesn't seem to affect me as much as the hubby though, probably becuase both my hinder and my seat have plenty of gell and padding.....
Now, the picture..... that's just a little creepy. Bigun is really going to have to give up that side job retouching the pix at the Fotomat before they fire him.

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

When I first started running, I started having a bit of pain in my knees. "Oh, no," I thought, "I'm one of 'those' people who can't run because of their knees." It turned out to be a stretching issue. Sometimes the muscles just get all bunched up and need some stretching before/after whatever. Maybe this is the start of something new! I'm glad you got a nice ride in.

Di said...

I would love a PiYo class. I have done pilates too and it is a real A$$ kicker. I was a psuedo hard core worker outer years ago. atleast 4 days a week usually 5- 6. Really in shape. I started pilates a few years back and i have to tell you, working out with weights and aerobics had Nothing on pilates. It KICKED my B.U.T.T. Hopefully GEL is going to Yoga this Saturday too, I am hoping to join her again. Class is only 5 minutes from my house. We'll be hitting the bike again tonight. I hope GEL is ready... lol

Oly said...

Injuries suck, glad to hear your stretching your way back into shape.

Wrenched Photography said...

one of us, one of us. Heed to the dark side Di. We can show you power you've never imagined.

Bigun said...

ABC, AVC, taint - here I thought, Jazzzzergal, that when you went on a TACO ride, well, I just figured that was your way of saying what was hurting you after 20 miles.

Spokane Al said...

When you find that faster metabolism please let me know. I could use some of it.

P.S. I really liked the photo - Bigun is either very talented or possessed.

Oly said...

Holly &#@$! Nice Bigun! :) I wish I had thought of that. Well said.

Mrs. B, you can blame JazzzyB for the hi jack, or low jack of this post.

Tony said...

Training for a faster metabolism, sign me up. My metabolism is so slow I think it is still in hybernation from the winter months.