Friday, August 31, 2007

How Day 2 Began...On The Way to Chicago

This was the start of our second day. We stayed over Thursday night at Bigun's Mom's. We arrived in just enough time for dinner. It was absolutely delicious! Ribs with a light marinade, grilled chicken, rolls and the most incredible side dish in the world! Pineapple baked in the oven with cheddar cheese and bread crumbs ... I think it was bread crumbs. I don't have the recipe yet. She promised it to me. Oh. My. Gosh. I am salivating just from thinking of it again. (remember - click on the image for a better view)

The Hummingbirds ( there was a pair, male and female) were trying to get a little breakfast in before the day started. The female wasn't too keen on me watching them. The male on the other hand found me quite interesting. He hovered around my face about 10 inches or so away. It was incredible. Incredible.

Mrs Hummingbird trying to keep an eye on me while she dines on breakfast (did you click on her?)

Mr Hummingbird on the other hand, found me as interesting as I found him to be. He was quite bold and quite beautiful (when you click on him, you'll see his colors- the white light behind him made his blue head bleed a little but still gorgeous)

A little back lighting here

The back light shows off the wings much better than the background of the green trees. (click on this shot and you'll see all of the detail in the wings)

(click click

I hope you enjoyed my brief encounter with these beauties.


Green Eyed Lady (aka GEL) said...

I can totally see the Mrs giving you the eye! The silhouettes are breathtaking!!!

Unknown said...

Simply gorgeous.
We watch the hummers for hour when we go to Fraonklin to see the MIL.

don said...

Would it cause a family rift if you posted the recipe for the cheesy pineapple thang?

Unknown said...

Hummers are marvels. When they're close, like the one was to you, they sound to me like bees. Ruby-throated hummingbirds are really my favorites. Although I don't have a feeder, they sometimes come to my garden just the same for trumpet shaped flowers.

Di said...

Thanks J-Wim, GEL and Wendy!
Don, I have put in a formal request to my Mother In Law asking if I could post the pineapple recipe. I hope she approves, I promise you, it was so digustingly good!! (if she doesn't want me to post it, send me your email address, I send it to you on the side...)

Brent Buckner said...

The parents of Wendy and me have on occasion maintained a hummingbird feeder.

Around here, at least lots of dragonflies!

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

I did, thank you very much! We have lots of hummingbirds around here but I've been too lazy to put out and maintain a feeder this season. Nice pictures!

Fe-lady said...

Thanks for hummer pix! Now, I had better go fill my feeders...poor things!
(It's one of my nicknames/screenames BTW!)
And I painted hummingbird tiles to put in my shower stall! You can almost hear their wings buzz!

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Gorgeous! In Grindewald this summer there were hummingbirds the size of moths (seriously - about an inch long) that were feeding on the flowers of our hotel balcony. Is there such a thing????