Sunday, June 9, 2013

Be True

Day two of the 30 Day Challenge - Missy is to blame, she was doing this and I thought to myself, "Self...WTF are you waiting for? You keep saying you want to get back to blogging, here's your kick start!"

Today, the challenge is to talk about something I feel strongly about. Hmmmm, where to begin?
The things that are important to me run a very broad and diverse path. My family, my friends, our military, my country, and my future. All of these things rank in the top for me and all of these things require the same thing from me, simply to be the best person I can possibly be.

Yes, I have said this before, and I shall go right on saying it because every day is a reminder of what needs repairing, what needs boosting, what needs my attention, and what needs my love. My life is far from perfect. Just like most people, I face challenges along the way that I have sometimes thought would get the best of me. They haven't. Nothing, and no one, can ever get the best of anyone unless we give them that power. Empower yourself, you'll be happy when you do.

So what is important to me? Holding my head up (even though some days I fail at this), being honest (with myself and others), caring about myself as much as I care about others, and loving without conditions and without judgement (this can be tough). Ultimately, my words have not changed for years and my belief has not faltered. If everyone worked everyday at being the best person they could possibly be, the world would be a much better place and the world could understand true forgiveness and grace. I'm working on being a more graceful person and any help I can get along the way is greatly appreciated.

In closing, now that I've told you what is important to me, would you tell me what is important to you?


Unknown said...

To love and encourage people. I get side tracked by being busy and stressed with jake, but I feel my calling is to love people. Except for the assholes in traffic....aint nobody got time for that!

Di said...

LOL, assholes in traffic are a huge challenge for me too Misha!!!

Melissa Kay said...

I can't see them now - from my phone. I loved the what needs repairing, nurturing, etc. Like organizing your closet (I know that will make sense!) Bins. Keep, donate, sell, throwaway.
