Friday, June 14, 2013

Let The Fun Begin!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Today could be considered an adventure. The kids are in town again for their annual summer visit and as usual, we went to the aquarium. They love to go as much as I do. Each year we try to do things different than the last, unless we liked it so much last year we can't wait to repeat our place of adventure and find new memories in a familiar place. That is how we feel about the aquarium.

Family is precious and mine live so far away that I try to take advantage of any opportunity I may have to spend time with those I love. Soon, the kids will be grown up and living their own lives and they won't be coming to Florida any more to visit their aunt....I'm enjoying them while I still have them. Life goes by so fast, spend the time you have with those you love whenever you can.

When we visit the aquarium, we love to take photographs. Each visit to the aquarium means I take my SLR and a few different lenses so I can capture the beauty and share it with any one who is interested in seeing the sights through my eyes. This year, however, I went armed only with my iPhone... below are some of the things the kids and I saw. I hope you enjoy the sites as much as we do.

Live your time on this planet with open eyes and an open heart, and spend as much of it as you can with those you love.

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