Bigun and I are here in San Francisco. It's such a beautiful city. I really do love it here. Yesterday when we arrived we were pretty tired. My allergies were in full showing. Sneezing like a mad woman for the 6 hour flight from Atlanta to San Francisco. We checked in at the Hotel and settled in a bit then headed down to Fisherman's Wharf. We enjoyed a little time there, over a superb burger. Medium rare with cheddar
On the way back to our Hotel we made a brief stop at Chocolate Heaven. OH. My. Chocolaty. Heavenly. Delight. Now, Bigun will attest to this, I am not a chocoholic. In fact, I rarely buy it and when I do, I hide it from him. I can make a single chocolate bar last a week or longer. Swear. It's true. I savor chocolate when I have it. A little piece of chocolate here and then later, a little more. Bigun, sees chocolate and it is no longer seen. He can wipe out a single bar in mere seconds.
Yesterday was different. I got my hands on a 1/4 pound of Dark Chocolate Amaretto Cordials. The name of the shop is dead on, Chocolate Heaven. Those little dark delights are undeniably the best thing since, well, since the harnessing of fire happened. Normally, a 1/4 pound of chocolate would last no less than a week. As of 4pm today, that whole 1/4 pound of cordials have dutifully disappeared. Yes, I gave a couple to Bigun. He is after all my husband.
I digress...after a brief time at the Wharf, we came back to the Hotel. We thought we should think about resting up after a long 24 hours before arriving here.
Bigun and I awoke at a bright and early 4am Cali time. Oh. Yes. Wide awake. At 6am Bigun headed out on his run. Turns out - my allergies aren't allergies at all. I am sick. Yep. My only solace, those cordials that are now consumed in entirety. We made it out of the room for a trip to IHOP and then Walgreens for meds. Came back to the room and I slept until about 1 o'clock. Got up and moving and again hit the Wharf. We got to see a guy swallow fire, we had a beer, some water and awesome Calamari . I lasted about an hour and a half and Bigun thought it wise that I get back into bed and save up my energy. My head hurts, my nose has a mind of it's own, my lungs are filling up with lots of lovely yucky stuff and I am running a pretty good fever. Please cross your fingers for me that I'll feel well enough to make it to the race Sunday. I simply cannot miss this race. I can't.
I am pretty sure I can muster up enough energy to walk downstairs and get a cab back to the chocolate shop..... maybe not, but a girl can dream can't she?
Well, I wish I could write more and be more entertaining but, that's all I got.
Bigun just returned from his first swim at the Aquatic Park. Seems the water is a tad bit chilly. I think his family jewels have disappeared. Thank goodness we aren't looking to have children now. I'll leave that tale telling to him. Thanks for keeping up with our journey and thanks for all of your prayers and thoughts. It is greatly appreciated.
Di and Bigun.
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. G.B.Shaw photo credit - Patty Maher
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
If I Were To Paint Myself
When I first meet people their eyes or their smile usually isn't the first thing I notice. For a fleeting moment what I see is colors. Moving, living, breathing color. They are like a canvas filled with color. I'm not sure there are words for what I see. Perhaps I could liken it to an aura. Aura still doesn't quite fit the description of what I see. The moment is quick. Faster than time.When I was younger, I saw it all of the time, in every person I saw. A person's colors were always there. I think that as a kid, I supposed that was how everyone saw everyone. With age we lose our ability to "see" not because it's no longer there, rather because we quit looking. I am guilty of this too. As I grow older I want to keep youth in my heart. Sometimes I realize, I've forgotten so much about youth.
I believe that what you experience in life is what makes you the person you see in the mirror each morning. If I had missed one little nuance or one single moment of a day that seemed insignificant at the time, I wouldn't be who I am now. Any number of things could have changed. Sure, maybe I could have been the first woman to be President of the United States. Or, maybe I would have ended up dead at 24 from an overdose. No, I wasn't a druggie, but I could have been. Who knows what happens to us, or when, that causes us to be who we are. We all seem to think it's those really big moments. You know the ones I mean. The moment you wake up to find your mother gone and you know she'll never be back. Maybe it's that moment when the phone rings and the voice on the other end tells you someone you love has died. The moment you marry the man of your dreams, or give birth to your first child. Most of us think it's the really big moments that shape us. Sure those big moments allow us to see through different eyes. Forever. Those big moments do have their hand in helping to shape us as people. Caring, loving, people who know what life can be if we work hard at it.
Let us not forget the little moments. The ones that don't seem like "Life Changing" moments. I believe those moments have a bigger hand in helping to shape who we are and who we will become. They are far more numerous than the "Big Moments". Do you remember that woman who was obviously rushing to be somewhere? You could tell she was frantic about being late. Still, she looked at you briefly, in the eye, and smiled. She smiled like all was right with the world. Maybe someone you've never met stepped up with the extra 35 cents you needed at the check out counter. There are so many tiny little moments in this life that we barely notice. Somehow, I think they have a bigger hand in helping to shape who we are and who we will become. They help the old wounds to heal into the scars of our past.
The future is still undetermined. Each day presents it's own set of challenges and it's own set of promises. The canvas is never complete until our lives are finished. Borrowing from Gregory McGuire "Were I to paint myself...that would be what I would try to capture: a person intent on seeing, even if what is to be seen isn't yet fully comprehended."
My childhood was not an easy one. Each and every family struggles. I know this. I see it every day. Some are faced with such silly and minor struggles I find it hard to understand what the problem really is. Others I see fight against things far worse than I ever experienced. Regardless, each of us bears the scars left behind with the perception of what we have endured in this life. Perception is reality. The scars on my soul are no greater nor are they any less than another's. The scars don't define me. They are merely a record of what I have chosen to move past.
My life is good. I experience stress and anxiety just like the next person. Escaping such things is beyond my ability. I have had the fortunate turn of having met and married a truly wonderful man. Our life together has been great. That doesn't mean it has been all peaches and cream. Life never offers absolute perfection. We have struggled throughout our marriage both financially and spiritually. If there is a marriage out there that hasn't experienced tough times, I'd love to know their secret. Inspite of some of the things that (at the time) seemed almost insurmountable, Bigun and I have made it through each and every test put before us. Sometimes the only thing that got me through truly hard days was this phrase - "If we can make it through today - We can make it through anything". It's true. That statement is true each and every time you choose to say it.
My life is good. I experience stress and anxiety just like the next person. Escaping such things is beyond my ability. I have had the fortunate turn of having met and married a truly wonderful man. Our life together has been great. That doesn't mean it has been all peaches and cream. Life never offers absolute perfection. We have struggled throughout our marriage both financially and spiritually. If there is a marriage out there that hasn't experienced tough times, I'd love to know their secret. Inspite of some of the things that (at the time) seemed almost insurmountable, Bigun and I have made it through each and every test put before us. Sometimes the only thing that got me through truly hard days was this phrase - "If we can make it through today - We can make it through anything". It's true. That statement is true each and every time you choose to say it.
I believe that what you experience in life is what makes you the person you see in the mirror each morning. If I had missed one little nuance or one single moment of a day that seemed insignificant at the time, I wouldn't be who I am now. Any number of things could have changed. Sure, maybe I could have been the first woman to be President of the United States. Or, maybe I would have ended up dead at 24 from an overdose. No, I wasn't a druggie, but I could have been. Who knows what happens to us, or when, that causes us to be who we are. We all seem to think it's those really big moments. You know the ones I mean. The moment you wake up to find your mother gone and you know she'll never be back. Maybe it's that moment when the phone rings and the voice on the other end tells you someone you love has died. The moment you marry the man of your dreams, or give birth to your first child. Most of us think it's the really big moments that shape us. Sure those big moments allow us to see through different eyes. Forever. Those big moments do have their hand in helping to shape us as people. Caring, loving, people who know what life can be if we work hard at it.
Let us not forget the little moments. The ones that don't seem like "Life Changing" moments. I believe those moments have a bigger hand in helping to shape who we are and who we will become. They are far more numerous than the "Big Moments". Do you remember that woman who was obviously rushing to be somewhere? You could tell she was frantic about being late. Still, she looked at you briefly, in the eye, and smiled. She smiled like all was right with the world. Maybe someone you've never met stepped up with the extra 35 cents you needed at the check out counter. There are so many tiny little moments in this life that we barely notice. Somehow, I think they have a bigger hand in helping to shape who we are and who we will become. They help the old wounds to heal into the scars of our past.
Not too long ago someone asked me if there was anything in my life I regretted. I honestly couldn't think of anything. That doesn't mean I am the epitome of perfection. Far from it. If anything, my past could serve as a HUGE warning for others. However, if I had missed any one of the things in my past, I might not be who I am today. I have to say, I like who I am. I try to be kind, not always with success. Each and every day I tackle it with the idea that I will be the best person I can be. Some days I am better than others. On the days that I am not quite the person I would like to be, hopefully I notice it so that tomorrow can be different. I never know what today will bring or what it may mean to me in the future.
The future is still undetermined. Each day presents it's own set of challenges and it's own set of promises. The canvas is never complete until our lives are finished. Borrowing from Gregory McGuire "Were I to paint myself...that would be what I would try to capture: a person intent on seeing, even if what is to be seen isn't yet fully comprehended."
Monday, May 21, 2007
Tri's the New Social Event?
Let me begin by prefacing this post with this statement - I am not a Triathlete. I am married to an amazing man who is a Triathlete. I am a professional Tri Sherpa, Photo Journalist. I journal our travels and races with my camera lens. Please don't think I am trying to mislead anyone with this post. My opinions are the opinions of an apt observer of the Triathlete world.
In reading many of the blogs I have noticed that the element or feeling of being alone in this sport has greatly diminished. There is a camaraderie here that makes it all seem more possible. There is a support system in place that offers a kind word or a strong will of encouragement when needed. Finding people who are generous of heart as well as spirit is a great thing. This amazing occurrence reaffirms my faith that life is exactly what we make of it. Bigun and I look forward to our next social event... uh sorry, I mean Tri. I love The Land of Blog. In addition, I can't wait to meet you! I'll be the red head with the big camera lens ringing the cowbell for you.
posters available at Sports Poster Warehouse
Certainly becoming an Endurance Athlete is a monumental step in one's life. It takes dedication, drive, tenacity and hardcore ambition. There's a lot of work that goes into being an Endurance Athlete. A Tri Athlete. When you first start competing the competition is nothing more than a large group of strangers who you hope won't leave you too far in their wake. For most, the only real competitor that matters is you. You are there to push yourself and to pull yourself up to the next level. Whatever that level may be. Everyone's idea of what the next level is will be different from the next person. It doesn't make that pull any less significant.
Due to a new social ring that has formed in The Land of Blog the Tri's are becoming more and more of a way to bond with new found friends. In what is otherwise a very lonely sport, the actual events, the actual Triathlons, have become a social event. All of those hours used to train every day, every week, every month are satisfied not only by your accomplishment in the events but in the ability to sit across the table from someone who has and is walking your same path. Finding people who are of like minds and like spirits takes out some of the loneliness in an otherwise solitary sport. The mental and physical fortitude it requires to be a participant in the Tri world is incredible.
The Land of Blog has brought about this change. It has brought Triathletes (and Tri Sherpas)from different walks of life, different philosophies, different cities and towns together. We all meet here in TLB everyday to share our days, our lives. The pages are open to anyone willing to take the time to read. As a result, friendships are born and lives are changing. What was once a very closed community of athletes is finding it's doors opening wider each and every day.
Triathlons have morphed from a wave or a quick hello in Transition at a familiar face, into a big campfire, guitar playing, drink toasting event shared by friends. Amazing. In this world where we reminisce about how things used to be and long for days of yore, the information highway has brought us to a new place. A truly wonderful place. It has brought us to a new world of friends that would not have been possible in years past.
In reading many of the blogs I have noticed that the element or feeling of being alone in this sport has greatly diminished. There is a camaraderie here that makes it all seem more possible. There is a support system in place that offers a kind word or a strong will of encouragement when needed. Finding people who are generous of heart as well as spirit is a great thing. This amazing occurrence reaffirms my faith that life is exactly what we make of it. Bigun and I look forward to our next social event... uh sorry, I mean Tri. I love The Land of Blog. In addition, I can't wait to meet you! I'll be the red head with the big camera lens ringing the cowbell for you.
posters available at Sports Poster Warehouse
Sunday, May 20, 2007
My Favorite Sprint of The Year - Mad Dog
Before I start my report I wanted to share this honorable mention of Bigun on New Pro Triathlete Richard Armstrong's blog. I hope you check it out. Hope to see a really good season for him
Now, for the report....
It's time again...race report time. 4am always seems to arrive far too early for me. My sleep on race night is about the same as Non Existent. I am not sure why this happens. I know the alarm is set but it still seems like my brain is afraid to sleep because we might miss the early morning wake up call. So, instead of relishing a nice cozy, inviting night of sleep, I toss, turn, mull over events of the prior day or week and suffer through a night of insomnia. Bugger. I mean Buzzer. It sounded promptly at 4 am.
This race is my favorite Sprint of the season.
4 Sherpas and Sherpa in training, Boo made our way to the bike route just shy of the bike finish line. We got to see Tyler again! Armed and ready to get some photos of his friends. Thank goodness! I was able to photo everyone on the bike except Bigun. I have about 5 shots of him dismounting while still flying past us and in each one, there are people standing in front of him. Rob and Excel Man are mere blurs, Lil' Clyde and Luke - Excellent bike shots of both of them. Everyone is doing great on their times and everyone is still looking strong. Including Lil' Clyde. Cut to the run. Sherpas head over to finish line. Here I managed some really fun shots of everyone about to cross the finish line. Everyone but Rob. Rob came across as I was turned to congratulate Bigun on his race. I was bummed!
After everyone crossed the finish we took a few group shots, packed up and headed over to the Tent. We hung around while the guys waited to check their stats, changed and ate a little. Boo, myself and Green Eyed Lady went up to the front to enjoy the band. Boo was having a great time dancing to the tunes. After about an hour or hour and half we decided to head over to the Daiquiri Deck. It was about 10:45. They didn't open until noon. Bugger. New game plan...we find a restaurant over at St. John's pass that is open at 11. Scully's so off we go, to Scully's. 10 of us. Myself, Bigun, Excel Man, Green eyed Lady, Luke, Perez, Boo, Lil' Clyde, Carrie and Tyler. We missed Rob at lunch, he had a baseball game he had to get to for his kids. Scully's was a nice way to finish up the morning. The food was delicious, the Bloody Mary's divine and the company delightful. It was a good day at the Mad Dog.
On the way home Carrie and I conked out. Snoozed pretty much the whole ride home. Bigun and I hung out with Carrie and Lil'Clyde for a few minutes (they stayed over at our other friend Kojo's house). Said our goodbyes and came home. After arriving home, we pretty much did all of nothing for the remainder of the afternoon. It was nice.
Now, for the report....
It's time again...race report time. 4am always seems to arrive far too early for me. My sleep on race night is about the same as Non Existent. I am not sure why this happens. I know the alarm is set but it still seems like my brain is afraid to sleep because we might miss the early morning wake up call. So, instead of relishing a nice cozy, inviting night of sleep, I toss, turn, mull over events of the prior day or week and suffer through a night of insomnia. Bugger. I mean Buzzer. It sounded promptly at 4 am.
This race is my favorite Sprint of the season.
#1. It's a short race
#2. a nice expo tent set up
#3. a band
#4. beer
#5. pizza ( no shortage of pizza either), fruit, beans and rice and more.
(I actually only had 1/2 a banana and one slice)
(I actually only had 1/2 a banana and one slice)
#6. Daiquiri Deck across the street.
Parking is pretty easy and quick. Which was great because we were late getting to the race. The boys - Bigun and Lil' Clyde needed to get into transition, set up, get their chips and go to the library. Not the library where we parked, but the proverbial "Lose a Load" Library. Good thing they weighed Lil' Clyde in the day before because if he had been weighed in after his stop at the porta potty, he may no longer have been qualified to race as a Clydesdale. He weighed in at 201 on Saturday. Can you believe it? While the boys set up I set to looking for my fellow Tri Sherpas. Carrie, LC's wife was with me. We now needed to find Perez and Boo & Green Eyed Lady. I knew they were there because I saw Luke right away and Excel Man was in line at the Port=O-Let. Rob usually races on his own with no attending Sherpa.
Sherpas all grouped and ready with transition closing and our guys heading to the swim start. We set up base at the swim finish to be able to catch them on the way out of the water. This was a really exciting race for myself and Carrie because it was Lil' Clydes first Tri. Cowbells ringing and voices woohooing we set to cheering for the athletes as they emerged from the water. As we were ringing and shouting a fellow comes up from behind and taps us and asks if either of us are Bigun's wife. Crazy huh? Carrie was bell ringing as I was poised with my finger on the shutter button to catch our boys as they exit. When I turned to see who it was this young man introduces himself as Tyler. Oh! Jetpack! Nice to meet you. We start laughing because it was the cowbells that gave us away!!! He is such a nice guy!! Like me, he was armed with his camera and ready to catch his friends as they exited the water.
Cheering our guys as they came out of the water (Luke, Bigun, Lil' Clyde) Green Eyed Lady and I start to feel a little bit of a sick feeling - no Excel Man. Nada. Nowhere. We decide that we must have missed him. There was no commotion in the water with having to pull anyone out, he's simply as fast as I said and because he hovers 3 inches over the water- we never saw him. He must have blurred right past us. We start walking to catch our guys on the bikes...GEL is expressing concern. Rightly so, I was thinking it but didn't want to say it out loud and worry her more. Perez then lets us know, she saw him come out of the water and run by. PHEW!! Perez confirmed for us that he was such a blur she too almost missed him. Thank goodness.
4 Sherpas and Sherpa in training, Boo made our way to the bike route just shy of the bike finish line. We got to see Tyler again! Armed and ready to get some photos of his friends. Thank goodness! I was able to photo everyone on the bike except Bigun. I have about 5 shots of him dismounting while still flying past us and in each one, there are people standing in front of him. Rob and Excel Man are mere blurs, Lil' Clyde and Luke - Excellent bike shots of both of them. Everyone is doing great on their times and everyone is still looking strong. Including Lil' Clyde.
After everyone crossed the finish we took a few group shots, packed up and headed over to the Tent. We hung around while the guys waited to check their stats, changed and ate a little. Boo, myself and Green Eyed Lady went up to the front to enjoy the band. Boo was having a great time dancing to the tunes. After about an hour or hour and half we decided to head over to the Daiquiri Deck. It was about 10:45. They didn't open until noon. Bugger. New game plan...we find a restaurant over at St. John's pass that is open at 11. Scully's so off we go, to Scully's. 10 of us. Myself, Bigun, Excel Man, Green eyed Lady, Luke, Perez, Boo, Lil' Clyde, Carrie and Tyler. We missed Rob at lunch, he had a baseball game he had to get to for his kids. Scully's was a nice way to finish up the morning. The food was delicious, the Bloody Mary's divine and the company delightful. It was a good day at the Mad Dog.
On the way home Carrie and I conked out. Snoozed pretty much the whole ride home. Bigun and I hung out with Carrie and Lil'Clyde for a few minutes (they stayed over at our other friend Kojo's house). Said our goodbyes and came home. After arriving home, we pretty much did all of nothing for the remainder of the afternoon. It was nice.
I'm including some extra photos for your viewing pleasure....
Sunset at Clearwater Beach the night before The Mad Dog Tri
Perez and Boo running down the beach at 6am the morning of the race. It is still undecided if Boo is a Sherpa in training or a Triathlete in training.
The band under the Expo/beer/Food tent
Boo dancing to the music...
Perez and Boo running down the beach at 6am the morning of the race. It is still undecided if Boo is a Sherpa in training or a Triathlete in training.
Luke crossing the finish line with Boo
The band under the Expo/beer/Food tent
Boo dancing to the music...
Jetpack cruising the Expo
Friday, May 18, 2007
The Landlord
If you haven't seen this, you HAVE to check it out. HYSTERICAL!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Betty Lou's Got Back
Here she is getting ready for her maiden transport of Fred and The Red Rider - Green Eyed Lady's ride. I tried to get out of work early yesterday so I could hit Flatwoods for a nice bike ride. Early turned into late and late turned into later. We didn't get to the park until about 7:15pm. We had time to do one lap of 7 miles. Park closes at 8:30 so it was a good thing I was done after one lap.
My legs weren't tired, I could have ridden longer. My neck though was another story. It was screaming at the end of one loop. Today, it's my shoulders that are feeling the ride. My legs don't feel like they've done anything. Hopefully I can add another 4 miles to my ride tomorrow. Betty Lou's diggin her new booty gear.
photo courtesy of Green Eyed lady
Monday, May 14, 2007
Coffee's Ready...almost
Bigun has been home now for 2 weeks. I say home, but what I really mean is - Bigun quit his job 2 weeks ago and started his own Landscape/Lawncare Company which he works from home. That means our morning rituals are undergoing a few changes. He's not up and out of bed at 6 and out the door at 7 any more. He's up and moving. Around the house.
Bigun's leaving for work was always my cue to roll out of bed. At 7. It worked great for me. Then, I would take the girls out for their morning constitution, shower, turn on GMA, check my email, listen to GMA, maybe pick up a little here or there, watch a little GMA, feed the girls, put on my makeup, watch a little GMA, fix my hair, watch a little GMA, iron my clothes, get dressed and pull my things together that I needed to take with me. At this point, I would watch the last bit of GMA and would head out to work, locking the door behind me. It was a really nice routine. On my way to work I would stop at Dunkin Donuts and pick up my large iced coffee with raspberry and chocolate flavor, sometimes I would even get an Old Fashioned Donut to boot. The Doc said donut in the morning is better than no food at all. I needed to get my metabolism rolling... Okay.
Bigun still gets up ahead of me in the mornings. I hear him moving around the house. I can hear him pour his cereal into the bowl. The fridge opens, milk is being poured. Nice sounds. My favorite though is when he pops his head in the bedroom and says "Coffee's ready". That's my cue. Time to rise and shine, Right. Where's my coffee? Why isn't he standing over me ( while I am still lying in bed) with a ready made cup of caffeine in his hand when he says "Coffee's ready." ?
When did we skip the story line of "Coffee in Bed"? Yes, I know, right about now you are all thinking "Get your lazy ass out of that bed woman!" Truthfully, I find myself thinking the very same thing. So, rather than complain and moan about not having my coffee handed to me while still lazing back on my bed pillow, I get up and shuffle blurry eyed to the kitchen. My morning routine is completely out the window. Completely. First of all, I usually don't have to utter anything remotely understandable for at least 2 hours . Now, Bigun's had his cereal, he's all chipper and happy and full of sunny ray stuff. Blech. I have no functioning vocal chords until 8 am earliest. Where's my coffee? Oh. Still in the pot. I even have to pour it into the cup?!? Come. On. I have to say - outloud - "good morning honey" and still pour my own joe? Huh. Boggles my mind.
Now, don't tell him I told you all of this stuff. I only want him to know how grateful I am that he's making me coffee every morning. BTW -The girls from Dunkin Donuts called me at work today to make sure I was okay. I told them I was fine, my man was taking care of my caffeine fix now. I'll have to stop by every now and then just so that they remember my face. (Besides, I think I have a free coffee coming. My punch card is full.)
I love having Bigun around in the mornings I really do. My new favorite cup of brew is the one he makes. It's made with love. My two new favorite words... "Coffee's ready" . Although, coffee in bed would be wicked nice...
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Cosmetic Surgery
Today Betty Lou and I took a little trip. I dropped her of to have a little "work" done. She has wanted this since the day she came to our home. Today, it happened. While she was undergoing her little "operation" I went to Calidesi Island for about 4 hours. This is how I spent my day....
After a 20 minute ferry I landed at Calidesi... it's full of beautiful sites...the sandpipers were flitting all over the sand. Finding little edibles everywhere.
this school of dolphins were amazing. They were actually jumping out of the water. I was too slow to catch it though. There were about 10 of them all together.
I ran into the Dollar Store and found a cute little Beach Chair. It wasn't a dollar - it was 12 dollars...Dollar Store? I guess they never say it's the One Dollar Store...
After that I headed to Honeymoon Island to catch the ferry out to Calidesi Island. While waiting for the ferry to launch I watched a dolphin herd mullet in the little inlet. This Dolphin had to be 700- 800 pounds. It was huge. The ferry's Captain concurred.
After that I headed to Honeymoon Island to catch the ferry out to Calidesi Island. While waiting for the ferry to launch I watched a dolphin herd mullet in the little inlet. This Dolphin had to be 700- 800 pounds. It was huge. The ferry's Captain concurred.
As we were headed out on the water there was an Osprey perched on a post having lunch....
I wouldn't have minded a little ride on the Hobie Cat. Beautiful.
After a 20 minute ferry I landed at Calidesi... it's full of beautiful sites...the sandpipers were flitting all over the sand. Finding little edibles everywhere.
People were enjoying the sounds of the wildlife mixed with the sound of the water crashing on the sand and lapping at the beach
Green Eyed Lady joined me....
I hope you enjoy.....
this school of dolphins were amazing. They were actually jumping out of the water. I was too slow to catch it though. There were about 10 of them all together.
There's more....about 123 photos more.
Alas, all good things must end.
Finally, it was time to go pick up Betty Lou. When I arrived, she was checking this guy out.
Finally, it was time to go pick up Betty Lou. When I arrived, she was checking this guy out.
That's right Carmen, Betty Lou was totally mackin' on your dream ride...She was flirting and showing off her new Booty Hardware....
I showed up in the knick of time. Next thing you know, I'd have had little mini's zipping all over the place.
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