Bigun has been home now for 2 weeks. I say home, but what I really mean is - Bigun quit his job 2 weeks ago and started his own Landscape/Lawncare Company which he works from home. That means our morning rituals are undergoing a few changes. He's not up and out of bed at 6 and out the door at 7 any more. He's up and moving. Around the house.
Bigun's leaving for work was always my cue to roll out of bed. At 7. It worked great for me. Then, I would take the girls out for their morning constitution, shower, turn on GMA, check my email, listen to GMA, maybe pick up a little here or there, watch a little GMA, feed the girls, put on my makeup, watch a little GMA, fix my hair, watch a little GMA, iron my clothes, get dressed and pull my things together that I needed to take with me. At this point, I would watch the last bit of GMA and would head out to work, locking the door behind me. It was a really nice routine. On my way to work I would stop at Dunkin Donuts and pick up my large iced coffee with raspberry and chocolate flavor, sometimes I would even get an Old Fashioned Donut to boot. The Doc said donut in the morning is better than no food at all. I needed to get my metabolism rolling... Okay.
Bigun still gets up ahead of me in the mornings. I hear him moving around the house. I can hear him pour his cereal into the bowl. The fridge opens, milk is being poured. Nice sounds. My favorite though is when he pops his head in the bedroom and says "Coffee's ready". That's my cue. Time to rise and shine, Right. Where's my coffee? Why isn't he standing over me ( while I am still lying in bed) with a ready made cup of caffeine in his hand when he says "Coffee's ready." ?
When did we skip the story line of "Coffee in Bed"? Yes, I know, right about now you are all thinking "Get your lazy ass out of that bed woman!" Truthfully, I find myself thinking the very same thing. So, rather than complain and moan about not having my coffee handed to me while still lazing back on my bed pillow, I get up and shuffle blurry eyed to the kitchen. My morning routine is completely out the window. Completely. First of all, I usually don't have to utter anything remotely understandable for at least 2 hours . Now, Bigun's had his cereal, he's all chipper and happy and full of sunny ray stuff. Blech. I have no functioning vocal chords until 8 am earliest. Where's my coffee? Oh. Still in the pot. I even have to pour it into the cup?!? Come. On. I have to say - outloud - "good morning honey" and still pour my own joe? Huh. Boggles my mind.
Now, don't tell him I told you all of this stuff. I only want him to know how grateful I am that he's making me coffee every morning. BTW -The girls from Dunkin Donuts called me at work today to make sure I was okay. I told them I was fine, my man was taking care of my caffeine fix now. I'll have to stop by every now and then just so that they remember my face. (Besides, I think I have a free coffee coming. My punch card is full.)
I love having Bigun around in the mornings I really do. My new favorite cup of brew is the one he makes. It's made with love. My two new favorite words... "Coffee's ready" . Although, coffee in bed would be wicked nice...
Ack! What is he doing! Don't let Misty find out about this coffee charade...I'll be doing the laundry and making coffee!
You know as XL triathletes Bigun and I have images to gals are ruinin' us!
I'm reading this post and Aerosmith is singing, "CRAZY." I'm thinking, I hope Mrs. Bigun doesn't go CRAZY w/Bigun hanging around all day!!!
You guys will have a ball...maybe a little "afternoon delight." :)
I'm not hanging around "all day" - I just get started a little later than I used to - I'm not a complete bum, TD...
yeah, I wouldn't call him a complete bum. He does the laundry.
Now if he can only learn to make fresh donuts, he'd be REALLY useful...
You have touched my heart with a long post on coffee. Gods beverage. At least thats how my First Sargent put it, not sure if he was talking about THE God or himself. It didn't matter back then.
BTW Dunkin Doughnuts has amazing coffee. If I can get past not ordering a doughnut, I would go there more.
Acronym of the day: GMA. Blah I hate coffee with a passion. I take it your not a morning person?, you like to have your cawfee and drink it, too? ;)
He does the laundry, or the lawndry?
Oh btw, I no speak before having java. And then it's still ?stionable before 10.
you let him use the barolo washer and dryer??? i told big j to keep his hands off!
i'm the same as bigun, a morning person, while big j - not so much. i try to get him out of bed with coffee, but it doesn't work too often. he loves his sleep!
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