Thursday, December 28, 2006

Age Old Battle of the Bulge

No, I am not referring to the infamous battle of WWII. I am ofcourse referring to the daily battle that occurs during the Holiday Season. Shame on all of you "Bakers" out there for putting me and Bigun through this! (don't stop)

We fight the fight daily every other day of the year and for some reason during the Holidays we throw all caution to the wind. A very wise Chinese man (at an all you can eat buffet) once said to Bigun and me, "You must show discipline." What the hell?!?!? Discipline, schmiscipline. Okay, so he's right. Problem being here that if you show discipline during the holidays someone is going to get their feelings hurt. The minute you turn down someone's generous offer of Christmas Cookies, Turkey stuffing, pie...whatever the going treat of the day is... you have just insinuated (in their mind) that you do not like their food. Poppycock. It's just that I like my ass narrower rather than wider....HELLO!

Next year all of those delicious cookies my next door neighbors send over in those beautiful tins are going in the freezer. I am going to divvy them out in small portions that guarantee we still get to enjoy them but don't feel the pressure of cookies gone stale. Man, they are really good cookies too. I figured out a few years ago what makes them so delicious. It's love. I can buy the same cookie at the food store and somehow, they never taste quite the same. It's the love. that is why we all feel so compelled to eat whatever is offered isn't it? Because we all know the heart and love that goes into preparing and then serving, or packaging all of those delicious morsels and meals. It's the love.

So, this year I am not going to panic over the few pounds gained. I am going to look in the mirror at those tighter jeans and know that it's all love. Then, I am going to RUN to the gym. Damn all that love.

Ofcourse, I won't be running to the gym until AFTER New Years. Martini's and Mojitos at Mr and Mrs Bigun's . On January 3rd, yeah, that's it. January 3rd.

I wouldn't change a thing- except maybe my jean size.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Holidays!

Christmas Eve at Mr & Mrs Bigun's we hope you all had a wonderfully beautiful day today. Cheers to a wonderful New Year.

Marc and Di

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Peas & Carrots or Psycho/Psychic/Psycheee whatevah

I don't know how long many of you have been married but Bigun and I are just past our 13 year mark. You could say, we are like "peas and carrots" Why do I bring this up you ask? I'm getting there, bear with me. This morning after breakfast Bigun and I were talking about the day, the coming week, etc. This is how the conversation went....

Almost out of the blue he asks me, "Hey, did you get that whole 'Stalker' idea from my blog?"

My mind is replying"huh?" or " you're kidding right?" I want to laugh but I can tell he's serious and I get the image of "he's bananas" looping through my mind

My mouth quickly gets ahead of my thought process and instead of what I'm thinking, I say "what do you mean? did you write a blog about you being a stalker?"

Bigun replies "yeah, did you read it? Is that where you got it from?"

My mind is saying "WTF?!?" My mouth replies, - "No, did you post a blog about you being a stalker? What, you don't think I'm clever enough to come up with this on my own?" In the mean time my brain is flying through all of his posts and for the life of me I can't remember reading one about him calling himself a stalker....

Bigun proceeds with his line of interrogation with "it's saved in my drafts, did you read my drafts??

My mind is back to "WTF?!?!- are you kidding me?" but this is a lighthearted conversation and I have to remind myself of this fact so....getting control over my mouth takes a few seconds. I try to remind myself of that whole peas and carrots thing I was talking about earlier...You see, I don't know if I should be angry over his assumption that I haven't the mental fortitude to be as creative as him or if I should see the hysterical humor in it all and just laugh. So- I laughed.

After all, we have been married 13 years and we think alike. On most things.

For example- we'll be driving down the road and I'll see something that is really unremarkable so I keep the comment to myself and Bigun will blurt it out- verbatim- exactly word for word what I was thinking. Weird huh? Happens daily with us. We always steal each others' thoughts. I don't know if it is because we have been together so long and the psychic connection has strengthened over the years. Or if we steal each others thoughts just because we have always thought the same way about most things.

Now all I need to do is learn his sign in name and password to make sure he isn't planning to steal anymore of my thoughts. This time I beat him to the "PUBLISH" button, but next time, who knows?.........

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Obsessive Behavior?

Okay, here we go....Bigun has finally settled it in his brain that we are indeed going to San Francisco for the big "Escape". Excited? Yes, I would self describe as being excited. Excited about the trip, excited about the whole "Hi I'm a tourist" bit, excited about Bigun having a dream come true so early in the game. When I refer to him having a dream come true so early in the game I mean that he will only be starting his 3rd season on tris and already he has won the opportunity for Alcatraz. I have met people who have been waiting for YEARS to see this chance. Some Athletes may never see it....sorry guys :(

Bigun however has become obsessed with this whole Alcatraz race and I have to tell you, I am worried. If this race were a woman, he would be arrested for stalking!! Yes, he is officially a race stalker folks!! I may have to find a rehab center for him long before he ever makes it to San Francisco. He'll need to be treated for his addiction if he plans to race in any other competitions this coming year.

Yes, "Escape" is a big deal. Never in a million years would I try to take this race away from him. If anyone is onboard with Bigun and his racing, it is definitely me. Problem is, he has been sniffing way too many "Escape" articles via the Internet. There is a big race coming up a month before the "Escape" and he has barely thought about it. Thought about it, hell I don't think he even remembers it. It's not a little race either. It's like a half plus a half. You know, the "101" he spoke of ever so briefly.Phffffft!! Out of his head. Forgetting about a race of this length is simply unnatural for a man of Bigun's nature.

Help me out here guys, how do I get him to focus on the big picture and not just the feature video he keeps playing over and over in his head about the "Escape"? To help with the visual here is what I have come to believe is going on in his brain.....Bigun is at the start of the swim, suit on, cap being placed and goggles ready to go. Just waiting for the gun shot..... the rest is all a blur......
This race can be equivocated to the same idea as giving dope to a junky. Yes, it is hard to imagine when you see this face, he is a Race Stalker so beware. If he asks anyone about the "Escape from Alcatraz" race, pretend that you know nothing and change the subject QUICKLY!. Do not be an enabler, help him fight this fight against being a stalking race junky. We can do it if we all pull together. Do it for Bigun, do it for all of the Tri Sherpas (Mrs Biguns) out there who are faced with this sort of addiction.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Smooth as a Baby's Bottom

The great debate that I see repeated with the fellas is "shave or no shave". Well guys, from a girl's perspective, naked skin is nice, very nice. Chicks dig it. Problem is, keeping up with it. As a chick I am very familiar with the whole shaving ordeal. Trust me when I tell you - guys don't really have it any harder than girls when it comes to shaving. Once you shave the first time it's not so much work if, that is, you keep up with it. Follow through with regular shaves and help us girls avoid the torture of your razor stubble. It isn't fun. In other words, quit acting like a 10 year old who doesn't want to take a bath and shave dammit!
Nair for men is okay, Marc didn't like it but he also didn't understand that he needed full coverage of the hair desolving chemical. He treated it like deodorant and went spare with it. His results were haphazard. Pretty much like his attempts at shaving. Swallow the pride and ask a chick how to shave. We have years and years of experience at it and would welcome giving you helpful tips. You aren't driving a car, you CAN ask for directions.

For those of you who still think that asking for direction when it comes to shaving is difficult, I understand. I am including a link for you guys to check out. This guy at Shave Everywhere can walk you through all of the ins and outs of shaving. He is a total stud and understands the importance of shaving. If you have any questions after reviewing his commentary and Music video, please ask.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


So, now we will forgo the beer truck in Atlanta for a Prison in San Francisco. If I were a fortune teller for Triathletes headed for the Escape I would predict lots of hills. I wonder if Training in Florida will provide optimum hill training?

the route promises to be interesting...

The sites are something to look forward to also.....I can't wait. San Francisco is a beautiful city. So much to do and so much to see.
there will be ample time on our 8 hour flight for that long overdue Bloody Mary. Cheers everyone!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Mack Truck

I know i said "racing at 40 mph over the speed limit"... I meant a LOT faster.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Christmas is upon us. I almost feel as though it is bearing down upon me like a Mack truck racing at 40 miles over the speed limit. I can see it coming fast but, like a deer in the headlights, I am helpless to move out of it's path. Bah Humbug? No, not at all. I LOVE Christmas. It's all of the prep work and the buying of gifts and blah blah blah that have me looking in the rearview mirror.

Yesterday while I was at work, I received a call from my lovely husband. He wanted to meet me for lunch. Sounded great. He ran his 3 miles, rode his 25 miles and swam doing his new flip routine (on the short lanes this time). Right around 12 he pops in and we go to lunch. There is a restaurant near my Studio called Gators Dockside. The food is good and the service is too. The down side, all of the HUGE TVs. It's a bit of a sports bar/restaurant. I do not mind this at all. Truly. I find though that often Marc and I get sucked into watching whatever is on the tube rather than actually having lunch together. The important thing I guess is that we made the effort? Or did we?
So, Bigun has the rest of the day off-Tuesdays and Thursdays are his weekend days. He is headed home to put up the Christmas tree for me. YAHOO!!!! I was wondering when we could squeeze in the time for this. I planned to leave the studio at 3 so that I could get home and spend some quality time with my hubby prepping for the upcoming Holiday. 3:30 rolled around and I finally could leave. Mind you with traffic I didn't actually get home until 4. As I walk in what did my wondering eyes see? My drop dead gorgeous tree standing idle waiting for it's pretty adornments? No. Marc stretched out in his big man chair with his feet up on the big ottoman. Ford Florida Ironman playing across the screen of our big TV. Wtf? I am quickly informed, before I am 10 feet in the door, "Honey this is the ONLY time I can watch this...." well, what am I supposed to say? What can I say? Nothing. I do get it, honest. I think he had his eye out for Big Kahuna, Bolder and a few other athletes he keeps up with. Who can blame the guy. Watch away...

In the mean time, my tree is still not up and I am home early to try and spend quality time with my man. Don't get me wrong folks, I would have put the tree up myself without Marc if I could. It's too big. Way too big. 13' when it is all put together. Unfortunately about the only piece I can manage is the top piece. So I waited out the Ironman Broadcast here at the computer. True to his word after the broadcast was over he put the tree together. It is HUGE and it is GORGEOUS! It will take me 2 or 3 days to decorate it. I have the 10' ladder on one side and the 6' on the other side. I love Christmas. Here comes that Mack truck...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Strange Bird

This post has absolutely NOTHING to do with Triathlons. Sorry for any of you tri geeks popping in. Stay tuned though. There is always a tri blog on the way. Just wait until I get to the whole "flip' thing in the Bigun's swim routine. I have tickets available for anyone wanting to witness it for themselves.
Any way. I was "cruising" ? is that the right term? I am probably showing my age by even uttering the word let alone typing it. Point is, I found this blog by sheer coincidence/mistake. I started a second blog for helping people with Interior Design dilemmas. Design is what I do when I am not chasing Marc all over the place with his Triathlons. So, I was searching for other posts, links, ads, etc to help get the blog out there. I stumbled on "running with scissors" The Title of the blog made me curious because some of my friends/colleagues liken me to always running with scissors. Anyway, this girl, "Strange Bird" is facing a moral dilemma. -Did I tell you I often use the term "strange bird"? -(a little twilight zone music in the background) scary.
She has a whacko roomie, well maybe not whacko but definitely borderline if not OCD clean. (whackadoo)Almost freakishly so. Passive agressive in her approach to solving issues with Strange Bird and completely cowardly in facing the music. The problem here is- 6 &1/2 months left of living together with no real options other than putting the "demons" out on the table, coming up with a cooperative solution to solving the "cleaning" issue and getting over it. This is exactly what Miss Strange Bird would like to do. She is smart. I am totally on her side. Yeah yeah yeah, there are always 2 sides to everything. However, if roomie won't even show up for the solution, who cares what her side is?
Strange Bird is right though, be concilatory as a roomate, life will be much easier in the long run. It would be my approach too. Secretly though, I would daydream of pouring a gallon of Canola oil all over the roomie's bed. Hell, it might help her resolve other issues. Could be seen as a favor don't you think? Loosen her up a little. The other option is Strange Bird needs to buy a truckload of clorox wipes and keep one handy at all times. What do you think?

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Tri Sherpa

Pretty Funny, I am thinking that with the glorious designation of Sherpa should come a furry hat and a Llama. Noelle is a beautiful creature. Maybe she could help solve my "Transitions Dilemmas". When the Transition site is on the other side of the swamp from the spectators. Noelle could not only stowe my gear for me she could trot right through the muck and cypress with me on her back. We could pack her in the back of the Avalanche with Marc's bike. Easy.

Not to slight our sweet creature Noelle but a girl has to be fashion conscious on these tris. Doesn't she? I found this gorgeous hat and scarf that would look divine with this guy to the left... you decide. They call this one the Zhivago hat and scarf. Would that make my lovely Alpaca to the left the Dr himself?
Ofcourse, I do live in Florida. Maybe I should skip the whole hat and scarf idea. The Alpaca however is a pretty brilliant idea. Santa will be getting a new addition to the wish list.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Fast Times at Madeira Beach

Hey everybody,

Thanks for the prompting. Madeira Beach it is!!! Wahoo!!!!! I have to Go to Macon Georgia two weeks later if we do the Madeira Beach Tri but hey, they have a beer truck too!!!!! In my book I call that a win win. I want to say thanks to Bolder for the support on the beer truck thing.

For those of you who can't see me, I am doing the moonwalk and my shoulders are just a fidgeting away!!!! I love Madeira Beach.

I wonder if this means I forfeit the bloody mary's?

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

The Mad Dog

Help me out here everyone, those of you who know me's going to be tough. The race at Madeira Beach is called the Mad Dog after The St Pete Mad Dogs Tri Organization. They are a great group of people and I always see more than a few members at every race we attend. If anyone knows how to throw a Party, uh, whoops ...I mean a Triathlon, it is the Mad Dogs.

I don't want to sound like a whiner so bear with me here. Here is what makes it tough, Marc in all of his shining brilliance wants to do a 70.3 on the same day. (What is he thinking?!?!?!) He claims it is an "A" something or other kind of race. I say "A" SCHMAY. I don't really know what it is but I can tell you what it is not. It is NOT at Madeira Beach. It is NOT going to have a beer truck (very important fact). It is NOT going to have a huge tent with a cool live band(major cudos and large added benefit to this spectator). It is NOT going to have the St Pete Mad Dogs backing it. It is NOT going to have the beautiful Gulf Of Mexico running along it's edge. All I can really say is, IT is NOT.

Marc better REALLY be good to me for this. Having to give up the Mad Dog Race....I just don't know if I can.

marc(70.3).....Mad Dog....marc....Mad Dog....marc....Mad Dog.....

Honey, you better learn how to make a REALLY yummy Bloody Mary for this one.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Half Mary

I heard Marc mention he had a "Half Mary" coming up. It took about 10 seconds for my brain to compute it into race terminology. I am thinking...."he doesn't like bloody marys, thats my thing"...also, "who the hell is Mary?" and quickly before the brain retagged the coment as a race term "is that a new dessert?" Well, as you all know, he meant a half marathon. Welcome to my world folks. I swear it took me atleast 10 seconds of the thought process I just laid out for you to finally catch up. Yet I describe myself as "an avid fan"...

The half marathon I am speaking of took place right here in our little burb of Tampa, Brandon, Florida. The time of day once again was O'dark thirty when we arrived. When daylight hit I ventured out of the truck and into the parking area. It was time to begin my search for The Perfect Spot. You know,the spot that would afford me great photo ops and a great cheering position. Easy to do since this event had no transition quandries to solve. One spot could do it all. (All that was missing was my Bloody Mary.)

It was an exceptionally friendly atmosphere. Ofcourse, in case you didn't know, I have NEVER met a stranger. So for me to say this event was exceptionally friendly I mean that people were talking to me first, not the other way around. Kinda weird. Maybe having our dog, Chournie, helped to create conversation. Dogs definitely make it easy for people to start up conversations. It was nice. Chournie thoroughly enjoyed all of the little kids who wanted to pet her. The spectators and athletes alike were in high spirits. From a spectator's point of view the race coordination was a little haphazard. Not bad, but haphazard. My understanding was that it was also haphazardly coordinated from the athletes point of view as well. Overhearing quite a few of the athletes' comments verifed Marc's feelings of the lack of aid stations, water, etc. Easy things to "fix" on the end of the organizers.

In my wandering I discovered there were quite a few triathletes running. There were some entered in the 5K as well as the 1/2 Mary. A training day. I met a really nice couple from Spring Hill, Amanda and Jim, who drove down for the 5K. Jim just finished the Florida Ironman last month. They had their daughter with them and Jim ran the 5k pushing his daughter in her jogging stroller. I think she had as much fun as anybody. Quite a few Moms and a couple of Dads competed while pushing their kids in front. Pretty fun to see them cross the line. I saw a little boy cross the finish line in good spirits and still strong. He ran the 5k with good time and if he was a day over 7 I'll be amazed. I'm being gracious because in all honesty I don't think he was older than 6. There were numerous children in this race. I think most of the kids were running slow, holding back for their parents who were trying to keep up.

As usual I was armed with my camera, fold up chair, coffee and voice. In addition to the normal luggage I lug on these things I brought Chournie. I know I mentioned her earlier but she is worth more than a mention. Chournie was awesome. She will be 12 years old next month. Hard to believe she has been a part of our lives for 12 years. Where did the time go? Well, Chournie is a great dog for spectator or activity events. She has accompanied Marc and I on many a rock climbing venture over the years. Her die hard companion on these trips is our 11 year old Chihuahua, Cara'Biner. ('Biner...pronounced Beener) for short. Those two can climb just as nimbly and quickly as anyone I've seen on the end of a rope. Great girls, they really are. On Sunday, Chournie was the hit of the party so to speak. Every little one out there wanted to pet her. She was in heaven. Her compadre', 'Biner, did not get to go on this last jaunt. Just too many things to worry about on my end of the deal. No, I did not choose favorites Chournie just likes crowds more.

In our amble over to The Perfect Spot near the finish line Chournie meets this young lad...She was totally into this young male Rodesian Ridgeback named Hart. Did I mention she has good taste? Talk about bouncing like a puppy. Chournie bounced until the Rodesian started bouncing back. He was still a puppy in doggy terms. Only a year old, huge and still growing. Beautiful dog and he had to weigh at least 80lbs, maybe 90. I kid you not. Chournie on a fat day weighs in at about 25lbs. She was done playing in about 30 seconds. Pretty good for a chuckle. I felt sorry for the young lad she had teased into playing with her. Funny when you suddenly realize you have bitten off more than you can chew. Chournie had done just that. Our little girl's new found playmate could crush her with one paw. All he wanted to do was play and bounce around with her but her bounce only lasts about 30 seconds these days. She was done. We ambled further along. Poor Hart.

Getting back to the race... Afterall, that is the whole point of this blog isn't it? Or is it? I haven't quite decided yet. Anyway, as a spectator at these events you notice many things going on around you. You get to witness an entirely different event than the athlete experiences. The people, the dogs, the volunteers, the food, the children, the traffic and more. I love my fold up chair for the reasons just listed as much as I love it for being able to watch Marc and his fellow athletes compete. In my VAST experience at these things (1 duathlon, 14 tris and one 1/2 mary) it still amazes me at how lethargic the majority of the spectators are. Come on folks!!!! Step up and put out!! Put out some emotion for these athletes. Sure everyone cheers for THEIR athlete but what about the rest of the competitors? I seriously thought about a cattle prod. Maybe I could go around and goose everybody one time and hear a little life out there. Puhleeze.

The best fellow spectator I have ever met is my Tri Spectator Companion Erika. She doesn't get to attend every race though. Her Husband trains and works out with my husband. Erika's husband competes in atleast half of the events annually that Marc competes in. So, for half of the events she arrives with 2 year daughter old in tow and lots of cheers for every athlete. When Erika is not at the races I definitely miss my shouting mate but I will not let my being a lone cheerleader stop me from shouting out whatever words of encouragement I can. Did I tell you that Erika bought us Pom Poms for the Tris? Oh yes, she did. Red and White ones. That is the spirit I am talking about folks.

My hope to see more life at future Tris is a hope I think to be hopeless. Perhaps I could supply the Bloody Marys. To the best of my knowledge, short of a glass of OJ, a Bloody Mary is the best way to kick start your day. They'll have to be in sports bottles simply as a tribute to why we are all there to begin with. Ofcourse the cocktails must be portioned out for your lung capacity. The more accolades you shout to the athletes, the bigger your sports bottle will be. What do you think Erika? It could work. Who is going to bring the tobasco?

I know, I can't really cattle prod anyone or loose the crowd with Bloody Marys but a girl can dream can't she? What if I use sports bottles with a built in coozy and a straw? I know, no. Sorry. I'll have to stick to the pom poms I guess.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Kah Ching!!!

Well, it has begun. The money thing. Wait, it's an ongoing money thing isn't it? Silly me. So really, nothing has begun, it just hit a small peak. Yes, the time of year when the Races give you the added benefit of saving a few pennies by signing up early. Shuh. That's just so that they can have your money early to start the spending early.

When we girls find a sale and spot that one irresistible, lonely pair of shoes or that hot new pair of jeans, we just HAVE to buy them don't we? After all, they're on sale...that means we're saving money. Well everyone, "Early Sign Up" is nothing less than a SALE to our athletes. So, when you see those race fees showing up on the bank statement don't stress out. Macy's will soon be affording you that beautiful pair of GUESS Snakeskin Pumps. They are really hot too. Remember, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, or vice versa. Let your athlete enjoy that warm fuzzy feeling of being ahead of the crowd and getting a great deal while they're at it. Just close your eyes and imagine those beautiful (no longer lonely) pumps on your (also no longer lonely) feet.

Now, lets talk about the "non-SALE" items. The new running shoes, race clothes, much needed bike items (this is the big ticket stuff). Okay, first of all how many miles do our guys/gals put on those running shoes. I would venture to say...LOTS. I don't know if this is true for you guys but I know that for Marc he is past do a new pair of running shoes. WAY PAST DUE. I never mind when it's time for new gear that he needs. To me, if he is running on a crappy pair of shoes he is heading for potential injuries. Sure, he could injure himself at anytime, anywhere. Why increase the odds by letting him run on worn out soles? The medical bills could be a lot more expensive than a new pair of tennies. I say, get the tennies.

Okay,next on the list is race clothes...this one I struggle with a little bit. The britches I get, they need something for comfort. That is a given. Lets look at the ticket price on these things. The people selling this stuff, they are racking up. Riding shorts/tri shorts are not cheap. My jeans don't even cost as much as some of those shorts cost. Can I hear and AMEN? It never fails that the need for these replacement items never falls on "SALE" days. Am I right? But, like I said, they need them. So, you have to get them. Remember that hot pair of jeans I mentioned earlier? Guess what, they'll be on sale soon...I got the email from Nordstrums. Boy, they really make your butt look good too. Honey, did I mention I found you a new pair of TRI shorts too? Sorry, I couldn't get your new shorts on sale but I DID manage to find my new jeans on sale. Isn't that great?!?!?

Jerseys and socks.....holy cow. Have you seen the ticket price on these things?!?!? Well, again comfort is a big deal for these long races. So, spend what you need honey. I'm okay with that. You have to make sure you take good care of yourself for the upcoming TRIs. Knock yourself out. Get what you need and don't worry over the cost. It's important.

Fashion on the other hand totally comes into play when it is time to outfit the bike. Don't you agree? Sure some of this stuff will help you aerodynamically. I don't doubt it. Just let me ask many "Aerodynamic" items can one bike take?!?!? Come on Admit it ya'll, most of it is "BIKE ENVY" I have seen my man drooling over a set of wheels at almost every race. (They did look hot) Guess what he got, you guessed it, new wheels. I have seen his eyes roll back into his head for a newer more "aerodynamic" water bottle holder. Aerodynamic waterbottle holder, hummmm. The real issue here is whether or not these high end add-ons are truly necessary. Are they? Truly? Me thinks they are about as necessary as my new GUESS Snakeskin pumps. Did I need them? well.... no. Do they look great on me? Darn tootin! They look BETTER than great. Who knew my legs were so long?!? So, I guess my point here is to let your athlete spend what they need to spend. Don't get your panties in a wad when you see the little charges here and the little charges there. They(your athlete)will simply have to remember..."What's good for the gander is good for the goose/vice-versa" Shop away Baby. Marc, did I mention- Ralph Lauren has a new scent on the shelf and guess's on "SALE"!!! How great is that?!?

Okay, I make jest of all of the race expenses involved and I know for many of us it is serious money being laid out. I must mention though, since Marc has been racing his interest in hi end electronics has diminished somewhat. That's a good thing. I would rather see him save $3500-$4000 towards a bike rather than a TV. But thankfully, he has put so much money into his bike to make it "aerodynamic" he won't need a new bike for a long long long time. Right Honey? LOL Right.

We all work so hard these days spending money just becomes a question of what we'll spend it on. I would rather see my man spending it on things to keep him fit and healthy rather than a new big screen TV. Don't get me wrong, my new jeans, they also help to keep him fit and healthy...they really DO look hot.

Thanks for checking in everyone. I promised you my biased as well as unbiased opinion. I hope I didn't let anyone down.