Monday, April 9, 2007

My Lovely Rose Colored Sunglasses Haven't Let Me Down Yet.

I love seeing life as a possibility!! LOVE it!!

For example, check out the pics of my new ride. They were taken today in the rain. Much needed rain BTW. I'll include shots of my Bike in the next post concerning the new ride. The bike is a Lemond Tourmalet. Red. It might need a new paint job now... it might clash with the car. Actually, red looks good with everything. Not to mention, red is fast. LOL

So, while I've got you here...start thinking of a name for the Car - Bike Combo. They'll have to be individual names but complimentary don't you think? If you want to know anything about me, check out It's All About Me that should give you some insight. I do usually think of my modes of transport as girls. But, even though my bike is red, I have sort of thought of it as a he. The car however, she's all girl!!


Anonymous said...

Niicccccceeeeeeeee! I'll be thinking of that perfect song that should be blaring with the windows down but it's hard to top Little Red Corvette! ;)

Tri-Dummy said...

I thought you coordinate everything with your nail color? You're gonna have to go blue, black, or silver...and repaint the bike. All those colors clash, honey!(giving you a *snap* in "Z" formation)

The car is bad@$$. I'm gonna have to think it over for awhile, but I'm feelin' a male/female classic combo coming.

Oh, yeah. You need to check out Blink's(your voting nemesis) new blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey, r u gonna ride that bike or just ride around with it on the back of your new car???????

Di said...

tomboy said...
Hey, r u gonna ride that bike or just ride around with it on the back of your new car???????

Di says.....ROTFLMao ..Knee slap ...knee slap....depends, if it looks really really good on the back of my car, it may just have to stay there!!! LOL

Tri-Dummy said...
I thought you coordinate everything with your nail color? You're gonna have to go blue, black, or silver...and repaint the bike. All those colors clash, honey!(giving you a *snap* in "Z" formation)

The car is bad@$$. I'm gonna have to think it over for awhile, but I'm feelin' a male/female classic combo coming.

Oh, yeah. You need to check out Blink's(your voting nemesis) new blog.

Di says...actually, I coordinated my nail color with my car and my bike. Both were red. Now, I have more options!! I am already looking for "Hyperlink Blue" with metallic flake!! LOL, I think I can even use black this go around LOL
Thanks for the link to Blink man's blog. Like you, I will stalk him!! LOL

Di said...

tomboy said...
Niicccccceeeeeeeee! I'll be thinking of that perfect song that should be blaring with the windows down but it's hard to top Little Red Corvette! ;)
Di says...
I'm thinkin a little right said fred... you know, "I'm too sexy for my..."


The Stretch Doc said...

Does the Bigun fit in that car? haha.
I like the sweet lil rides but I dont fit in them either.

ps. started coughing, yuk!