the votes are in... it's a tie. of course. We couldn't just be done could we? That would have been too simple. Last time, vote your fave of the two You'll have until Tuesday night to vote ( may 1st)
Louise & Butch
Originally inspired by Thelma and Louise. I have always loved Susan Sarandon. A friend of mine and Bigun have always said that if my life were ever to be made into a movie - Susan Sarandon would be the only person who could play me. The bike is a boy though so Thelma (sorry Geena) couldn't work....hence Butch came to be. ( BTW my middle name is also Louise)
name is courtesy of Greeneyed Lady
Sexxy Betty & Fred
This one comes from Betty from the flintstones - she always wore blue. Bam Bam was suggested for the bike, but I always thought Fred had a thing for Betty afterall, she's Sexxy
name is courtesy of Blink
my God, you stretch stuff out longer than Bolder and his damn Mariah Carey videos
sorry Comm's one last go...I know, I'm ready to be done too!!! Vote already everyone!!!
I don't even feel like voting, I'm so disappointed.
People just don't know bikes or cars these dayz.
Your car is clearly "Domino." To give her a name like Louise or Betty is just...SAD. *sniff*
Yargh I cant vote!
I'm feeling the love. :)
Looks like Sexxy Betty is kickin' butt!!!
(my family wants Louise to win, it's a family name)
Better step up and vote!! Tonight is it. after tonight the vote is final!!!
seems like there was a glitch on the voting poll. If you tried to vote and it wouldn't take your vote, please try again. Please vote only once for your choice of names, Thanks everyone!! we are in the home stretch!!
Ho hmmmm....and the winner is?
Diana, this is not working-Patty
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