Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Name The Duo - (edited)

This is her - The Mini - with her new friend (my old friend), Thee Lemond

So- I have had a few ideas tossed in the ring for her new name.
Trimama suggested : N-V
Blink suggested : Betty - on the Flintstones - she was the sexiest and she always wore blue (Sexy Betty?)
Tri Dummy has suggested: Domino -for that hardcore bounty hunter chick, who was English and a former model, btw.
Comm suggested : lil'gun

The winner of this contest will receive this T-Shirt....

Now, a little more about her/me. She is sassy. Ancient History/Mythological buff.( all brands) Celtic might be a way to go due to the British background but not necessary. Artist. Novice Tarot reader. Former Vegetarian. Favorite Authors - JD Salinger, CS Lewis, S King, D Koontz, Richard Bach, Chrichton, Yeats, Dickens, A Rice, A Rand, Homer, Poe in no certain order and not by any means the only faves. They come to mind quickly. While on the subject of entertainment - movies are a great source of inspiration too. Ask me about any movie. Go ahead, ask me...
Remember, we need a name for Him too. You know, the Lemond. Lets not forget and leave him out of the mix....

Looking forward to your ideas. Thanks in advance for the brain power you are about to issue forth on this. Also, you can make as many suggestions as you like!! I am going to steal a page from Tri Dummy. Once it is narrowed down to the top 5 pair of names, we'll have a vote for everyone! Not sure yet what the winner will get, but I promise, we'll make it good!! ( I reserve the right to mix and match his/her name selection) ;)

While I'm here I also have to tell you ....Tomorrow (April 15) is the beginning of race season for the Bigun household!!! I am so completely psyched! I love race days. This year, I can add cowbells to the pom poms!!! LOL

Seriously. I. am. So. Serious on the cowbell. They're imported from Norway. They really know how to make cowbells in Norway. When are you coming to FL for a race?


Tri-Dummy said...

I didn't realize you were into mythology...

Goddess of the Hunt
Goddess of the Moon
Goddess of Children

Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo. Armed with a silver bow and arrows, she chased stags and other wild animals...(like Clydesdales!) Yet, as Goddess of the Hunt, she protected young animals and looked after young children. Like Apollo, who was linked to the sun as God of Light and Truth, Artemis was connected to the moon as a symbol of purity.

This is the good part...
Roman Name: Diana (she's another version of you.)

You're into could call her Art, short for Artemis.

Anonymous said...

Lil'Gun is absolutely perfect. After all, she is your new baby AND she's nevah gonna grow up! ;)

Di said...

Okay!! I know what the winner will get...

Oly said...

Very well thought out there...tri-dumbster.

That name fits w/ the bike, but I don't see it with the car.

Betty all the way.

Jazzzzergal aka "Mrs blink" said...

I like Betty for the car and you should call the bike Bam Bam!!! I know the Blink's are a great team. Yeah Yeah!!!

Comm's said...

what this blog needs is more Cowbell.

How about Ike and Tina. Ones got brass and the other sass. Ones a smooth singer and the other a brusier. Ones got the legs the other the fists.

Di said...

Likin' the 'ole Ike and Tina idea...
tough decisions ahead...
I also can get my hands on a Mini model if someone would prefer a Mini Mini. ;)

Di said...

I love the thought you guys are putting into these names!!! I knew we had a savvy crew here in Blogger land!

Tri-Dummy said...

Ike and Tina don't work cuz Ike kicked the crap outta Tina and she left his sorry butt. You don't want to name your equipment after a failed marriage, DI!

Sorry, but your car is Domino to me. It just fits. Your bike is Artemis...or Art.

Now send me my shirt.

PS. You need to post a pic of you and Bigun w/your shirts.

momo said...

ok, i've been thinking and thinking about this. (i'm not that creative, you know, so this is really taxing my brainpower).

the one thing i came up with is... baby. now, at first that might not seem even interesting at all - but hear me out.

isn't it the littlest things that usually have the biggest roar? remember baby from "dirty dancing"? your mini may be mini, but she does big things for you, right? kind of ironic to call your little thing 'baby' when she's BIG at heart, yes?

i'm taking my baby for a spin...
just my baby and me...
my baby does the hanky panky...

ok, that's all i've got. ;-)

Wrenched Photography said...

Betty was not the sexy character on the flinstones. The drive in waitress was.

Blue Goose
Mama Smurf

Di said...

Woohooo! Keep the ideas coming in!! Love them!!!

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Oh, gosh - once I saw her and heard someone say Betty - I just can't get past that. She sure is Betty to me...